By 2030, all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere should be ended. Instead, women and girls should have equal opportunities to participate in political, economic and public life.
Feminist development policy: clear goals and a clear stance
BMZ adopted its feminist development policy strategy a few months ago. Annette Mummert explains why this is important and what it means for GIZ’s work.
In the world’s biggest mangrove forest, Bangladesh Forest Department rangers are focusing on preserving biodiversity. Digital tools are helping them to protect this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Germany is supporting the country in this work.
‘My neighbour, the Sundarbans World Heritage Site’
The world’s biggest mangrove forest is situated on the border between Bangladesh and India. We meet the people who live with and earn a livelihood from the Sundarbans UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Menstruation is still a taboo subject. GIZ is working with local influencers to change this. Girls and women around the world should be able to experience menstruation in a healthy way.
The German Federal Foreign Office has introduced a new feminist foreign policy. Renata Giannini from the Unidas Women’s Network explains how it could influence German-Latin American relations.
Pakistani households have been living next to Afghan refugee families in the north of Pakistan for decades, without either side mixing with the other. By providing safe spaces to meet, for women in particular, GIZ is bringing both sets of neighbours together.
‘Safe menstrual hygiene is linked to educational opportunities’
Cleophas Mugenyi and Angella Nansubuga from Uganda’s Ministry of Education and Sports talk about hygiene education, stigmas and the role played by the Sanitation for Millions programme.