Everyone should have enough to eat and have access to a healthy and balanced diet. Food should be produced in a more sustainable way and the income of small farmers should grow.
‘Every woman has the right to a self-determined life’
From fair trade coffee to female empowerment: how entrepreneur Sara Nuru is supporting women in Ethiopia.
Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. GIZ is actively involved in efforts to protect ecosystems such as the particularly valuable landscapes of the High Andes. A visit to these remote mountains shows how farming families, artificial intelligence and love of nature are coming together to achieve this goal.
Nine German football clubs, a textile manufacturer, 450 family-run farms in India, Fairtrade and GIZ have teamed up to produce fan merchandise made of sustainable cotton. Views on the From Field to Fan Shop initiative.
A novel approach to protecting the climate and the environment in Costa Rica – join us on a finca that produces more than just climate-friendly coffee.
Somaliland in the Horn of Africa is a very fragile area. Project Manager Carola von Morstein explains why an integrated approach is the only way to tackle the challenges here.
‘The right to food is the most violated human right worldwide’
Ralf Sanftenberg, Director of the Rural Development and Agriculture Division, talks about the mid-term review of SDG 2 and why he remains confident despite the challenges.
A new law is making all the difference to a small farmer in Senegal. It facilitates access to land. GIZ is supporting people, especially women, in sharing knowledge about their new rights. This helps to reduce poverty and promote employment.
In this akzente interview, agricultural scientist Matin Qaim talks about the global food situation and explains why the current crisis is a continuation of an unwelcome development.