SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Everyone should have access to basic health services without incurring financial hardship and be protected against communicable and non-communicable diseases. Maternal and child mortality rates should also be reduced.

Zwei Frauen stehen an einer Tiefkühltrauhe, eine hält einen Milchbehälter in der Hand Huda Hassan

The wonder of refrigeration

The amazing story of a successful dairywoman, helpful cooling and an enthusiastic community. Out and about in the Somaliland region.
Rakia Madougou

‘I’d like to become the leading rice producer in Niger’

Three questions for Nigerien rice farmer, Rakia Madougou. After discovering her entrepreneurial spirit, she’s now achieving success as a woman in the male-dominated world of rice farming.
Frauen mit Kanistern

‘Working hand in hand’

Somaliland in the Horn of Africa is a very fragile area. Project Manager Carola von Morstein explains why an integrated approach is the only way to tackle the challenges here.
Frau mit religiöser Kopfbedeckung steht im Maisfeld

Where maize and sorghum grass grow

Conditions in the Horn of Africa are harsh. We visited the Somaliland region to see how people in this disaster-struck area can be best supported.
Man hält zwei Platinen in der Hand

Taking recycling to another level

Sustainable recycling in Lagos: a pilot project in Nigeria is protecting e-waste workers and supporting the African recycling industry.
Zwei Teilnehmer eines SEEG Einsatzes in Ghana, bereiten Proben zur Sequenzierung von SAR-CoV-2 vor

‘We’re paving the way for long-term change’

Norman Nausch is head of the German Epidemic Preparedness Team (SEEG). He talked to us about the team’s current priorities and how they contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Keki Adhikari mit dem Menstruation Bracelet

Menstruation: let’s talk!

Menstruation is still a taboo subject. GIZ is working with local influencers to change this. Girls and women around the world should be able to experience menstruation in a healthy way.
Elvis and Brian school-Uganda

Best buddies

Elvis and Brian show us around their school in Uganda. Everyone can come here to learn – with or without disabilities. That’s what inclusion is all about.
James Macbeth Forbes

‘For girls and women, not against men’

James Macbeth Forbes, GIZ Country Director in Uganda, explains why feminist development policy is important for everyone.
A school in northern Ugand

Talking about the most natural thing in the world

A school in northern Uganda demonstrates how to break taboos and address the subject of menstruation.
‘One billion people are affected by neglected tropical diseases.’
An interview with Dr Christina Kreuzberg on neglected tropical diseases and how GIZ is helping to advance health care. 
Fast and flexible
How GIZ works with transitional development assistance and why it is becoming increasingly important. Guest Column by Kristian Lempa

Find out more about the 17 Goals