SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Everyone should have access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services. In addition, the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix should be significantly increased, while the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency should be doubled.

Rashi Gupta Julian Rentzsch

‘We need more feminine energy’

Drei Fragen an Rashi Gupta, Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von Vision Mechatronics, einem führenden Unternehmen in den Bereichen Robotik, erneuerbare Energien und Energiespeicherung in Indien
Dirk Messner Susanne Kambor

‘Without digitalisation we cannot achieve the climate goals’

An interview with Professor Dirk Messner, President of the German Environment Agency, on climate action and digitalisation
Partnering in Business with Germany 3st

A win-win for all

New markets, new partners, new horizons: Partnering in Business with Germany promotes business contacts between SMEs in developing countries and emerging economies and those in Germany.
Guillermo Pereira

‘For us, waste is valuable’

Three questions for Costa Rican Guillermo Pereira, founder and managing director of Fortech
Global CO2 emissions: the warmest seven years on record
Growing emissions of greenhouse gases are harming the climate. Where exactly do we stand in terms of CO2 emissions?
Foto von Solarpaneelen im Vordergrund und drei Windrädern im Hintergrund bei Sonnenuntergang, der sich links im Bild befindet.
A breath of fresh air for green jobs
The Egyptian German Technical Academy shows how good training and quality education go hand in hand with responsibility for our planet.
Ghada Krayem
The woman putting solar panels on Gaza rooftops
Ghada Krayem, a Palestinian solar energy technician, is showing how women can advance the energy transition and overcome social barriers in the process.
Momentum for the energy transition
In the Dominican Republic, the energy transition is gaining momentum. Many stakeholders are joining forces to ensure that the Caribbean nation achieves its climate targets.
‘We need new energy partnerships’
Antonio Almonte, Energy Minister of the Dominican Republic, explains how this Caribbean country can put its energy mix on a sustainable footing.
Blueprint for success in phasing out coal
An interview from South Africa's coal-mining region: a new beginning that incorporates fair climate action, the expansion of renewable energy and new job prospects
“We are doing pioneer work”
Eduardo Soriano and Torsten Schwab explain the prospects of Power-to-X and why a German-Brazilian pilot project could pave the way.
Arzt impft Baby im Arm der Mutter
Every dose counts
Vaccines need to be kept cold for them to be effective. A pilot project in Malawi is demonstrating how that can work in remote villages.

Find out more about the 17 Goals