SDG 15: Life on Land

Biodiversity loss should be reduced, and intact ecosystems should be conserved or restored. In addition, deforestation should be halted, desertification combated, and poaching stopped.

Colourful building in the snow with people and "COP15" logo

Biodiversity is becoming more prominent

Preserving biodiversity, protecting habitats: the agreement reached at the Biodiversity Conference in Montreal in December 2022 is showing results.
Überblick über Lüderitz

All eyes on Lüderitz

Green hydrogen is set to bring prosperity to Namibia and propel the world towards a climate-neutral economy. We travel to the country’s south-west, where plans are under way for one of the world’s largest hydrogen plants.
5 Mitarbeiterinnen auf einer Plantage aus der Vogelperspektive Soren Pessoa

Beyond the coffee bushes

A novel approach to protecting the climate and the environment in Costa Rica – join us on a finca that produces more than just climate-friendly coffee.
Einer Ranger späht durch das Fernglas

Custodians of the Sundarbans

In the world’s biggest mangrove forest, Bangladesh Forest Department rangers are focusing on preserving biodiversity. Digital tools are helping them to protect this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Germany is supporting the country in this work.
Frau auf einem Boot

‘My neighbour, the Sundarbans World Heritage Site’

The world’s biggest mangrove forest is situated on the border between Bangladesh and India. We meet the people who live with and earn a livelihood from the Sundarbans UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Extinction – diversity under threat

Our natural environment is being lost at an unprecedented pace. Biodiversity is vanishing everywhere, with both ecosystems and species affected.
Ebb and flow

Ebb and flow

The Mekong River is a lifeline for millions of people in South-East Asia. In times of climate change, riparian countries are working hand in hand for sustainable use of the ecosystem – with Germany’s support.
Bolivianische Frau steht vor Bergpanorama
Moving forward
GIZ is supporting Bolivia in achieving lasting improvements to its water security. A visit to the Río Azero valley.
Drei Kinder spielen an einem sonnigen Tag in einem Wasserbecken, umgeben von Spritzwasser und landwirtschaftlichem Feld im Hintergrund.
A well of cooperation
Water is a precious resource in Central Asia. akzente visits Uzbekistan to see how it can be distributed sustainably and fairly – and how this enhances stability in the region in times of climate change.
Erntehelferin auf der Bananenplantage
Nature’s bounty
Why drones are joining chickens and bees in boosting biodiversity. A visit to the Núñez family farm in the Dominican Republic.
Abschnitt der algerischen Küstenlandschaft, mit einer hervorstehenden Klippe, die sich steil über das blaue Mittelmeer erhebt. Die Klippe ist dicht bewachsen und im Hintergrund ist der Umriss weiterer Landmassen im Nebel sichtbar.
Custodians of natural treasures
Algeria is rich in biological diversity. The coastal regions in the north are home to many rare delights.
Bergpanorama in Costa Rica
Green is the colour of hope
An excursion to the area surrounding the La Tigra ­Rainforest Lodge in Costa Rica illustrates how many ­people are working together in the interests of nature conservation – the private sector is also doing its bit for the green recovery.

Find out more about the 17 Goals