SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Everyone should have access to safe and affordable water and to adequate toilets and handwashing facilities. Water quality worldwide should also be improved through recycling and reuse.

Zwei Frauen mit Kopftuch und ein Mann am Handy

Source of togetherness

What can be done when a water-poor country has to provide for more and more people? A trip through northern Jordan in villages that have taken in large numbers of refugees.
Ein Mann arbeitet mit einem Winkelschleifer

Fire and water

Water management in one of the world’s driest countries has many facets. Ammar Ali Zaid from Jordan works until the sparks fly to prevent precious water from seeping into the desert ground.

Water supply: the countries with the biggest water problems worldwide

Water scarcity is increasing across the globe. Conflicts escalate in places where there is a lack of drinking water and sanitary facilities. An overview of global water stress and its causes.
Elvis and Brian school-Uganda

Best buddies

Elvis and Brian show us around their school in Uganda. Everyone can come here to learn – with or without disabilities. That’s what inclusion is all about.
Sanitation for Million

‘Safe menstrual hygiene is linked to educational opportunities’

Cleophas Mugenyi and Angella Nansubuga from Uganda’s Ministry of Education and Sports talk about hygiene education, stigmas and the role played by the Sanitation for Millions programme.
A school in northern Ugand

Talking about the most natural thing in the world

A school in northern Uganda demonstrates how to break taboos and address the subject of menstruation.
Bolivianische Frau steht vor Bergpanorama
Moving forward
GIZ is supporting Bolivia in achieving lasting improvements to its water security. A visit to the Río Azero valley.
Drei Kinder spielen an einem sonnigen Tag in einem Wasserbecken, umgeben von Spritzwasser und landwirtschaftlichem Feld im Hintergrund.
A well of cooperation
Water is a precious resource in Central Asia. akzente visits Uzbekistan to see how it can be distributed sustainably and fairly – and how this enhances stability in the region in times of climate change.
Eine Frau hockt neben einem Wasserhahn im Freien, der in einen Eimer Wasser einfüllt. Sie trägt einen lila Kopfbedeckung, ein grünes Poloshirt und einen gemusterten Rock. Im Hintergrund ist ein einfacher Holzzaun zu sehen.
Solar power system
A solar pump at an agricultural training centre in Benin has made the donkey work of irrigating fields a thing of the past.
Together against flooding
The Indian city of Bhubaneswar is working to curb flooding and unblock drains.

Find out more about the 17 Goals