


My name is Daniel Moser. I’ve been living in India for a year now and, before that, I worked for the World Bank in the United States. In India, I manage several GIZ transport projects with support from a fantastic, dynamic team.

I’ve been interested in sustainable mobility since my time studying at the London School of Economics and Political Science. There, I got to know other students from all over the world who were working on the major issues of the future. After a spell working for Greenpeace, I joined GIZ in mid-2017, where I worked for the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative, or TUMI, supporting the global shift in transport policy.

After over four and a half years working for GIZ in Germany, I was seconded to the World Bank in Washington, D.C. at the start of 2022, where, harnessing my expertise, I focused on climate action in the transport sector. My secondment coincided with an important reform process at the World Bank: all activities were to be brought in line with the Paris Agreement going forward. I also supported the World Bank in setting up a new trust fund to promote climate-friendly transport.

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development has long been committed to ensuring that climate action and the Sustainable Development Goals play a greater role in the World Bank’s activities. During my time at the World Bank, I helped my colleagues structure the transport fund and supported the climate reform process. For BMZ and GIZ, in turn, I strengthened cooperation with the World Bank.

That is exactly what makes working for GIZ so appealing to me: the international dimension and the opportunity to network with different partner organisations to drive the shift towards green transport policy.

India is the perfect fit for this. The future is being shaped here! With 1.4 billion people, India is a huge and diverse country with innovative approaches – especially for transport. A good example of this is funding for e-mobility. We are collecting ideas that can help to advance innovative solutions in other countries. A key focus of our work is gender-responsive mobility. On the Indian sub-continent, it is often difficult for girls and women to get to school, university or work safely. We are looking for ways to promote inclusion for all

India, with its history and cultural diversity, is an inspiring country that I enjoy exploring. My colleagues give my tips, and we often visit places together. I’m always finding new things that I haven’t tried before. It’s really exciting!

Best regards,

Daniel Ernesto Moser

September 2024