
‘New prospects through WIN NRW.Africa’

A reality check for young German companies: the Cologne-based start-up Detechgene was one of 10 German firms that took part in the exchange programme between Nigeria and North Rhine-Westphalia. In this interview, co-founder Robin Bayer and employee Kai Wageringel talk about their experiences.

Interview: Brigitte Spitz

Mr Bayer, what motivated your start-up to take part in the WIN NRW.Africa programme?

We were looking for sales markets and had begun setting up contacts with Cameroon when we heard about the start-up exchange with Nigeria. Developing countries and emerging economies are of interest to us. Why? Because our product – a rapid test to detect pathogens – is affordable, versatile and precise. The WIN NRW.Africa programme offered a valuable opportunity to explore the real market conditions in a country. That is particularly important in such an early phase of a company because it allows you to make the right decisions.

Princess Echefu und Kabir Olaosebikan Deniss Kacs

Driving innovation together: Start-ups in NRW and Nigeria

North Rhine-Westphalia promotes exchange between young entrepreneurs from Nigeria and NRW.

Mr Wageringel, you spent a month in Nigeria for Detechgene. What impressed you there most?

K.W.: People in Nigeria are very warm-hearted and welcomed us with open arms. I soon felt at ease there – a feeling that extended directly to our professional work too. Everyone we met was very committed and interested in doing business with German firms. Our group was extremely diverse and included companies from various different sectors, such as fintech, eLearning and point-of-care diagnostics, our own area of business. The exchange programme was equally broad, offering something suitable for all participants.

Were you able to establish interesting contacts?

K.W.: Absolutely. I was able to talk to representatives from the Federal Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, for example. And there were a number of contacts with high-level experts from the medical sector. Contacts like these would never have happened if we had tried to do everything from Germany.

What were the most important things you learned?

K.W.: I was able to talk to legal experts to find out about the legal and regulatory aspects of approval for use in the biotech sector. That’s a good starting point on the road to entering a new market, because Nigeria is completely uncharted territory for us. In addition, I gained an idea of how Nigeria’s health care market works and whether there is a need for our product there.

Kai Wageringel privat

R. B.: It was worth it from a marketing point of view too. There were reports about the companies taking part not only on social media but also in conventional print media – both in Nigeria and in Germany. This reporting both at home and abroad is incredibly important to open up opportunities for talks. It enhanced our visibility. At the moment, we are still processing our findings before we decide on the next steps for our company.

Dr. Robin Bayer Detechgene GmbH

Would you recommend that other companies take part in WIN NRW.Africa?

K. W.: I would encourage any young company to do so. The experience is of incredible intellectual value. You can gain new perspectives on business and understand how the Nigerian environment works.

R. B.: Yes, it’s a reality check for start-ups. It’s easy to write about international markets in a business plan. When you’re in Cologne, you can theorise all you like about how to market products in Africa, but it’s different when you are actually there researching on site. You really have to go there and see things with your own eyes.

WIN NRW.Africa

The start-up initiative WIN NRW.Africa is part of the NRW-Africa programmes of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für InternationaIe Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is implementing it together with the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria (AHK), and has brought numerous German and Nigerian firms, start-up centres and organisations on board such as the Senior Expert Service. Job shadowing opportunities in each country are embedded in detailed preparation and follow-up activities.

Contact: Ute Maas


The biotech company Detechgene was founded at the end of 2022 in Cologne by development engineer Dr Robin Bayer and biologist Dr Reza Esmaillie. The firm was a spin-off from the Nephrological Research Laboratory (Nephrolab) at the University Hospital Cologne. Detechgene has developed a rapid testing system to detect pathogens. It can be used by anyone and offers the same precision as a test performed in a laboratory.

Detechgene-Tests Detechgene GmbH
Dr. Reza Esmaillie und Dr. Robin Bayer Detechgene GmbH