SDG 13: Climate Action

The temperature increase should be limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the private sector should be mobilised for climate action, and the activities of international financial institutions should be made compatible with the climate targets of the Paris Agreement.

Ein Dorf rettet seinen Dschungel

A village is saving its jungle

Lao PDR’s tropical forests are a treasure. But they are under threat from slash-and-burn practices. We meet the people protecting the trees.
Climate is part of our DNA

Climate is part of our DNA

Global climate protection and why it’s essential for GIZ too. By Jörg Linke, Head of GIZ’s Competence Centre for Climate Change
Momentum for the energy transition
In the Dominican Republic, the energy transition is gaining momentum. Many stakeholders are joining forces to ensure that the Caribbean nation achieves its climate targets.
Bolivianische Frau steht vor Bergpanorama
Moving forward
GIZ is supporting Bolivia in achieving lasting improvements to its water security. A visit to the Río Azero valley.
Solarzellen bei Sonnenuntergang
Frozen sunlight
Green economic recovery in action: a successful German-Indonesian project illustrates how renewable energy can boost the local economy in fishing villages across the archipelago – with solar-powered ice makers.
Drei Kinder spielen an einem sonnigen Tag in einem Wasserbecken, umgeben von Spritzwasser und landwirtschaftlichem Feld im Hintergrund.
A well of cooperation
Water is a precious resource in Central Asia. akzente visits Uzbekistan to see how it can be distributed sustainably and fairly – and how this enhances stability in the region in times of climate change.
Eine Gruppe von Personen steht um eine große Solaranlage. Im Vordergrund erklärt ein Mann in einem orangefarbenen Hemd und dunklen Hosen etwas zu einem Jungen und drei Frauen. Die Frauen tragen bunte, traditionelle Kleidung und hören aufmerksam zu. Im Hintergrund sind hohe, grüne Pflanzen und Palmen zu sehen.
‘Taking a holistic view of climate change and agriculture’
The following interview with GIZ experts Christel Weller-Molongua and Jochen Renger focuses on hunger and nutrition.
Erntehelferin auf der Bananenplantage
Nature’s bounty
Why drones are joining chickens and bees in boosting biodiversity. A visit to the Núñez family farm in the Dominican Republic.
Abschnitt der algerischen Küstenlandschaft, mit einer hervorstehenden Klippe, die sich steil über das blaue Mittelmeer erhebt. Die Klippe ist dicht bewachsen und im Hintergrund ist der Umriss weiterer Landmassen im Nebel sichtbar.
Custodians of natural treasures
Algeria is rich in biological diversity. The coastal regions in the north are home to many rare delights.
Bergpanorama in Costa Rica
Green is the colour of hope
An excursion to the area surrounding the La Tigra ­Rainforest Lodge in Costa Rica illustrates how many ­people are working together in the interests of nature conservation – the private sector is also doing its bit for the green recovery.
E-Rikscha in Bangladesch
Confidence on wheels
Remote, but forward-looking: Singra shows how e-mobility can change lives – especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Valeria und ihr Bruder Nikita auf dem Weg zur Schule
Through the eyes of a child
Stray dogs, muddy paths and dangerous crossings are just some of the challenges Ukrainian children face on their way to school.

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