SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

There should be full employment. Everyone should be able to access decent work; forced labour and human trafficking should be eradicated. At the same time, the economy in developing countries should grow by at least seven per cent per annum.

Inoka Nilmini Wanasinghe

‘Our objective: sustainable trading partnerships’

Three questions for agricultural expert Inoka Nilmini Wanasinghe from the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB)
A school in northern Ugand

Talking about the most natural thing in the world

A school in northern Uganda demonstrates how to break taboos and address the subject of menstruation.
Angkor Wat

Saving Angkor’s temples

The awe-inspiring Angkor’s World Heritage Site is famous the world over, but the task of preserving the legacy of the Khmer culture is every bit as overwhelming as the temple complex itself. Germany is supporting Cambodia.
Tradition meets technology
While farmers in Senegal use traditional methods and tools, they also rely on digital tools. A report from the paddy fields.
‘We see what women have achieved’
Ghanaian farmer Janet Adade is adopting new approaches in agriculture and is passionate about sharing her knowledge.
‘How do we reach people?’
A pilot project in Kosovo shows how behavioural science can help to improve tax compliance.
Eine Gruppe von Personen steht um eine große Solaranlage. Im Vordergrund erklärt ein Mann in einem orangefarbenen Hemd und dunklen Hosen etwas zu einem Jungen und drei Frauen. Die Frauen tragen bunte, traditionelle Kleidung und hören aufmerksam zu. Im Hintergrund sind hohe, grüne Pflanzen und Palmen zu sehen.
‘Taking a holistic view of climate change and agriculture’
The following interview with GIZ experts Christel Weller-Molongua and Jochen Renger focuses on hunger and nutrition.
Erntehelferin auf der Bananenplantage
Nature’s bounty
Why drones are joining chickens and bees in boosting biodiversity. A visit to the Núñez family farm in the Dominican Republic.
Das Bild zeigt viele kleine, grüne Pflänzchen, die aus einem rosa-roten Untergrund wachsen. Jedes Pflänzchen hat ein paar winzige Blätter und einen schlanken Stängel, der sich aus einem dunklen Punkt im Untergrund erhebt. Die rosa-rote Unterlage scheint ein Wachstumsmedium für die Keimlinge zu sein.
Growing together
A successful mentoring programme in South-East Asia ­illustrates what Business Scouts for Development do.
The brewery using bush biomass
Windhoek Lager is one of Africa’s most popular beers. Produced in line with Germany’s beer purity law, top quality is just as important as sustainability.
Im Vordergrund hält eine Hand eine Handvoll Weizen. Im Hintergrund steht ein Sack mit weiteren Weizenkörnern worauf ein Taschenrechner steht, der verschwommen im Hintergrund zu erkennen ist.
‘I see hope and life right here in my hand’
High-quality seed and better knowledge of modern farming techniques are the key to higher yields – and to improving the lives of farming families. GIZ is supporting farmers in Ethiopia to boost their crops.
Cucumbers wait for no one
Every day counts when it’s harvest time. There’s now a quick and easy way to register seasonal workers at the Ostić farm in Serbia using an app.

Find out more about the 17 Goals