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Guest articles

akzente presents personal perspectives. Leading national and international experts and observers express their positions and views on pressing global issues in guest articles. GIZ staff report on their experience in Germany and abroad.

The bigger picture
Investing in good nutrition is one way to leverage sustainable development. Find out more about GIZ’s work in this area.
Fix the system!
The African scientist Jemimah Njuki explains how we could deliver healthy diets for all and why women have an important role to play.
Greetings from Dhaka
Climate change expert Emilia Huss on living and working in Bangladesh
Eine Menschenmenge bei einer Versammlung, im Vordergrund zwei ältere Frauen, die eine Fahne tragen. Die Frau links hält ein Handy hoch, hat ein schwarz-rot-weißes Tuch um die Schultern und trägt ein Kopftuch. Die Frau rechts trägt eine graue Strickmütze und einen roten Schal. Im Hintergrund sind weitere Teilnehmer zu sehen, einige tragen Mützen.
The genie of freedom is out of the bottle
Guest column by Michaela Baur, Director General of GIZ’s Europe, Mediterranean, Central Asia Department.
Towards a green and blue recovery
A guest column by Gabriel Quijandría Acosta, Environment Minister of Peru
Lives or livelihoods
The coronavirus crisis poses new and unprecedented challenges for every country, in particular developing nations.
Trigger for change
GIZ supports the efforts of its partner countries to tackle the pandemic in sustainable ways that offer both social and environmental benefits.
Europe and Africa: the future of the partnership
One topic, two perspectives – in our new feature section, we ask experts to analyse a topic from their own personal perspective. To kick off, we are looking at the relationship between Africa and Europe.
Education at the core of EU-Africa Partnership
A guest column by Patrick Awuah, Founder and President of Ashesi University in Ghana
Aufnahme aus der Luft auf eine afrikanische Großstadt bei Sonnenuntergang, mit dichter Bebauung, Straßen, umgeben von üppigem Grün.
A renewed EU-Africa partnership fit to the global context
A guest column by Sandra Kramer, Director EU-AU relations, West and East Africa (DEVCO.D)
Strong voices for Europe
The economy, security, health and development: we asked experts on Europe for their views on the key topics shaping Germany’s presidency of the EU Council.
The future is urban
Cities have a key role to play in efforts to meet climate and development goals. GIZ advises municipalities and supports public involvement in decision-making.