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Guest articles

akzente presents personal perspectives. Leading national and international experts and observers express their positions and views on pressing global issues in guest articles. GIZ staff report on their experience in Germany and abroad.

Überblick einer Stadtzeichnung mit Straßen, auf denen Autos unterschiedlicher Farben fahren. Zwischen den Straßen stehen Gebäude mit variierenden Höhen, einige sind flach, andere sind hohe Wolkenkratzer. Die Darstellung ist farbig und aus einer Vogelperspektive gezeichnet.
Agile or fragile
What cities will look like in the future, depends heavily on the right management.
Wanted and threatened
People around the globe yearn for democracy – at least when it offers more than elections. Stefano Palestini explains why the Chilean example is a case in point.
Pooling forces for change
People are calling for political and economic participation. GIZ takes a holistic approach to fostering democratic principles and endeavours to involve pro-reform forces.
Time for change
How the international community reacts to climate change