Klima und Umwelt Headerbild

Climate change and the environment

GIZ supports its partners in identifying the causes of environmental and climate risks. It helps modernise policy, advises on regional cooperation, and develops strategies to embed environmental protection and climate action in other policy fields.


‘I hope for clear, strong targets’

In an interview with akzente, GIZ Managing Director Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven speaks about the importance of biodiversity and the global conference on the subject in Montreal.
Recyclingrevolution in Jordanien 

How to revolutionise recycling in Jordan

Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment of Jordan, Dr Mohammed Al Khashashneh, on the concept of extended producer responsibility (EPR)
Prof. Katrin Böhning-Gaese

‘The loss of biodiversity is destroying the very foundations of our existence’  

Scientist Katrin Böhning-Gaese on extinction and why we urgently need to put an end to it.
COP 27 Sharm El-Sheikh

‘The results are mixed’ 

Jörg Linke, Head of GIZ’s Competence Centre for Climate Change, reports on the results of COP27 in Egypt. 
COP 15 - seed wall

UN conference on biodiversity 2022: COP15 in Canada in a nutshell

On 7 December 2022, the UN World Biodiversity Summit will start in Montreal, Canada. We answer the most frequently asked questions about COP15.
Global CO2 emissions: the warmest seven years on record
Growing emissions of greenhouse gases are harming the climate. Where exactly do we stand in terms of CO2 emissions?
Foto von Solarpaneelen im Vordergrund und drei Windrädern im Hintergrund bei Sonnenuntergang, der sich links im Bild befindet.
A breath of fresh air for green jobs
The Egyptian German Technical Academy shows how good training and quality education go hand in hand with responsibility for our planet.

Food and nutrition: diversity on a plate

To combat hunger in the face of climate change, researchers are focusing on new and newly discovered resilient crops. We take a look at five of these ‘supercrops’.
‘We need to reform our food system’
In this akzente interview, agricultural scientist Matin Qaim talks about the global food situation and explains why the current crisis is a continuation of an unwelcome development.

COP27: the UN Climate Change Conference 2022

The 27th UN Climate Change Conference will be taking place in Sharm El-Sheikh from 6 to 18 November. To mark COP27, akzente is focusing on the various facets of climate policy.
Blick auf das Podium der UN-Klimakonferenz 2021 im Vereinigten Königreich. Delegierte sitzen hinter einem langen Tisch mit Namensschildern und grüner Dekoration. Im Hintergrund sind das Logo der Vereinten Nationen zu sehen und im Vordergrund das Publikum, das den Rednern zuhört.
A look back at the most important climate conferences since 1992
A look back at the most important climate summits since 1992 and their resolutions: from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement.
Satellitenfoto eines Hurrikans, der sich über den Ozean einem Kontinent nähert. Der Hintergrund ist schwarz und zeigt die Erde aus der Weltraumperspektive.

1.5 degree target: small difference, big impact

Why half a degree more global warming would change our lives dramatically.