Klima und Umwelt Headerbild

Climate change and the environment

GIZ supports its partners in identifying the causes of environmental and climate risks. It helps modernise policy, advises on regional cooperation, and develops strategies to embed environmental protection and climate action in other policy fields.

Carolina Tornesi MacKinnon

‘We can’t give up!’

Young people need to be more heavily involved in decision-making processes, says Carolina Tornesi MacKinnon, President of the World Youth Parliament for Water.
Frauen arbeiten auf einem Feld

‘The right to food is the most violated human right worldwide’

Ralf Sanftenberg, Director of the Rural Development and Agriculture Division, talks about the mid-term review of SDG 2 and why he remains confident despite the challenges.
Grünes Feld mit dem Schatten einer Windkraftanlage

Nationally Determined Contributions: who are the frontrunners on climate action?

Combating climate change requires all countries to pool their efforts by setting individual targets. But who is achieving their goals and to what effect? We take a closer look.
Illustration of Dr Dessima Williams

‘Sustainability is a lesson of our history’

Grenada is promoting sustainable tourism, in line with SDG 12. Hotel owner and diplomat Dessima Williams explains what this involves.
Einer Ranger späht durch das Fernglas

Custodians of the Sundarbans

In the world’s biggest mangrove forest, Bangladesh Forest Department rangers are focusing on preserving biodiversity. Digital tools are helping them to protect this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Germany is supporting the country in this work.
Frau auf einem Boot

‘My neighbour, the Sundarbans World Heritage Site’

The world’s biggest mangrove forest is situated on the border between Bangladesh and India. We meet the people who live with and earn a livelihood from the Sundarbans UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Extinction – diversity under threat

Our natural environment is being lost at an unprecedented pace. Biodiversity is vanishing everywhere, with both ecosystems and species affected.
Ebb and flow

Ebb and flow

The Mekong River is a lifeline for millions of people in South-East Asia. In times of climate change, riparian countries are working hand in hand for sustainable use of the ecosystem – with Germany’s support.
COP 15

‘The UN Biodiversity Conference was unexpectedly a great success’

The international community adopted the new Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Silke Spohn explains its strengths and weaknesses, and what it means for GIZ.
The powerful voice of the Lenca people

The powerful voice of the Lenca people

Radio presenter Martina López provides environmental education over the airwaves in a Honduran biosphere reserve.
Three crises, one solution 

Three crises, one solution 

Why an intact natural world can help us address various challenges. By Kirsten Hegener, Director of GIZ’s Competence Centre for Biodiversity, Forests and Agriculture.  
When natural areas disappear, so does biodiversity

When natural areas disappear, so does biodiversity

akzente explains the five most important reasons for species loss and why we need to reverse the trend.