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Peace and security

One of our strengths is our ability to combine swift relief with long-term prospects. This is how we build peace and security. In addressing conflicts we support the demobilisation and reintegration of former combatants, and deliver advice on establishing and reforming effective, democratically legitimated institutions with a system of checks and balances.

‘It’s not just wrong, it’s stupid’
Interview with Chantal de Jonge Oudraat, President of the network Women In International Security
Two steps forward, one step back
Essay by US security expert Mathew Burrows about Human security.
‘No reason for doom-mongering’
A guest column by State Secretary Martin Jäger
Disappeared, but not forgotten
In Colombia, more than 80,000 people are believed to be missing. Families want certainty about the fate of their loved ones.
Eine lächelnde Frau mit einem Kopftuch links im Bild bemalt eine Wand. Sie trägt einen blauen Kittel, medizinische Handschuhe und hält einen breiten Pinsel in der Hand.
A fresh start
To help more people into work, GIZ has teamed up with its partners in Lebanon to offer a series of intensive training courses.
Embracing Peace
Colombia is beginning to come to terms with its violent past. Young people are seeking pathways to a better future. Germany is supporting the peace process.
A warm welcome
Rather than a stuffy atmosphere, libraries in eastern Ukraine provide a space for lively discussions between locals and internally displaced persons.
Four-legged therapist
In eastern Ukraine, specially trained dogs are helping to treat disabled children and those traumatised by conflict.
Breaking new ground together
They challenge stereotypes and are role models: female members of Jordan’s regional councils in action.
On course for a better future
Local authorities in Ukraine can now decide how they spend their money themselves.
On the right track
Two investigators and one crime victim talk about the Police Programme Africa.
Das Bild zeigt zwei Männer in einem Geschäft, die Küchenwaren betrachten. Der eine Mann, in einem blauen Hemd, hält einen Teller und schaut ihn genau an, während der andere, in einem gemusterten Hemd, ihm ein Produkt zeigt. Sie stehen vor einem Regal, das mit verschiedenen Haushaltsgegenständen bestückt ist.
Building up hope
Simple ideas are turning around the lives of refugees and local people in northern Iraq following the end of terror in the country.