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Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has brought into sharp focus the relevance of peace and security in Europe too. akzente reports from the heart of the EU, from the individual European states, and on Europe’s partnerships with the wider world.

Fashion made in Georgia
Fashion from Georgia is being celebrated on the catwalk. However, if the industry is to establish itself on the European market, it needs not just creativity, but above all new expertise.
Helping the helpers
Saving more lives thanks to modern equipment and up-to-date know-how for the fire service, other emergency services and the Ukrainian Red Cross.
A warm welcome
Rather than a stuffy atmosphere, libraries in eastern Ukraine provide a space for lively discussions between locals and internally displaced persons.
Four-legged therapist
In eastern Ukraine, specially trained dogs are helping to treat disabled children and those traumatised by conflict.
On course for a better future
Local authorities in Ukraine can now decide how they spend their money themselves.
Albanian treasures
To find out more about conserving historical sites and developing craft skills, we visited a building site in the World Heritage town of Berat in Albania.
Lush harvest
Ukraine is forging ahead with decentralisation, which is also designed to stimulate economic development in smaller communities. A visit to Central Ukraine’s apple orchards
Welcoming the world
Until recently, Theth was a virtually deserted village in the Albanian Alps. But life has returned with a hiking trail.
Starting a new life back home
When Kosovars return, a centre provides support with reintegration. And GIZ is promoting hiking tourism in the country.
Reality check for dreams
Many Albanians want to work in Germany, but only a few are aware of all the conditions they have to meet.
The Bosnian ‘Düren’
Some 20 years ago a settlement was founded for refugees returning home. What has happened to these people since then?
Eine ältere Person und eine jüngere vietnamesische Pflegerin sitzen an einem Tisch und spielen zusammen Karten. Die Pflegerin, erkennbar an ihrer lila Uniform, lacht und scheint der älteren Person beim Kartenspiel zu assistieren. Im Hintergrund ist das Bild eines Tigers an der Wand und Möbelstücke stehen im Raum.
Pioneers with prospects
There is a shortage of geriatric nurses in Germany. In Viet Nam many young people cannot find work.