Afrika Headerbild


German international cooperation promotes regional integration in Africa. We advise the African Union, regional economic communities and other institutions. The priority areas are peace and security, good governance, sustainable infrastructure and agriculture.

Das Bild zeigt die senegalesische Surferin Khadjou Sambe mit einem  roten Top und einer kurzen Shorts während sie auf einer Welle reitet und ihre Arme zur Balance ausgebreitet hat.
Girl power on a surfboard
Our spotlight on social cohesion is dedicated to the integrative power of sport.
Blueprint for success in phasing out coal
An interview from South Africa's coal-mining region: a new beginning that incorporates fair climate action, the expansion of renewable energy and new job prospects
‘We need more support with vaccinations’
A pilot project in Malawi is showing how refrigerated COVID-19 vaccines can be transported to remote villages. An interview on the challenges and waiting for vaccines.
Every dose counts
Tablets with the emmunize app and a connection to the electronic patient register are improving health care
Arzt impft Baby im Arm der Mutter
Every dose counts
Vaccines need to be kept cold for them to be effective. A pilot project in Malawi is demonstrating how that can work in remote villages.
‘We see what women have achieved’
Ghanaian farmer Janet Adade is adopting new approaches in agriculture and is passionate about sharing her knowledge.
‘Taking a holistic view of climate change and agriculture’
The following interview with GIZ experts Christel Weller-Molongua and Jochen Renger focuses on hunger and nutrition.
Eine Gruppe von Menschen marschiert auf einer staubigen Straße im Kongo, viele tragen gelbe Wasserkanister auf dem Kopf. Eine Person hält ein Plakat hoch, auf dem auf Französisch steht:  Exzellenz, Herr Gouverneur, wir fordern sauberes Wasser, um gegen Ebola zu kämpfen. Einige tragen traditionelle, bunte Kleidung, andere einfache Alltagskleidung.
‘I want to live my life without fear’
Activist Passy Mubalama campaigns in eastern Congo against extremism and violence and for women’s rights – with the support of the iDove network.
Abschnitt der algerischen Küstenlandschaft, mit einer hervorstehenden Klippe, die sich steil über das blaue Mittelmeer erhebt. Die Klippe ist dicht bewachsen und im Hintergrund ist der Umriss weiterer Landmassen im Nebel sichtbar.
Custodians of natural treasures
Algeria is rich in biological diversity. The coastal regions in the north are home to many rare delights.
The brewery using bush biomass
Windhoek Lager is one of Africa’s most popular beers. Produced in line with Germany’s beer purity law, top quality is just as important as sustainability.
Exploring and protecting
A young Moroccan speleologist is preserving biodiversity in his home country and creating income opportunities. This is the story of somebody with a long-term vision – even in (and especially in) the COVID-19 crisis.
Frauen bei der Feldernte
Women's harvest
In northern Mali, women smallholders are providing good and healthy food. Thanks to new vegetable varieties, goat farming and improved methods of growing rice, they are enhancing not only their income, but also their standing in the community.