akzente 4/15 9 SERBIA WIKI OFFICIAL LANGUAGE SERBIAN / CAPITAL BELGRADE / FORM OF GOVERNMENT PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY / HEAD OF STATE Tomislav Nikolić / HEAD OF GOVERNMENT PRIME MINISTER Alek- sandar Vučić / SIZE 77,484 KM2 / POPULATION 7.1 MILLION [1] / POPULATION DENSITY 92 INHABITANTS PER kM2 / GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT USD 43.9 BILLION [2] / CURRENCY SERBIAN DINAR (RSD) Source: [1] [2] World Bank 2014 NEW PROJECTS Equal opportunities MEXICO A new project in Mexico aims to create greater equality of opportunity with regard to access to public services. On behalf of the European Union, GIZ Interna- tional Services is also working to ensure that justice is served for all citizens equally and that human rights are widely respected. Safety is another aspect of the project, which aims to increase social co- hesion in Mexico. Structures within public authorities are to be reformed by the end of 2018. The project also supports institu- tions which actively promote equal oppor- tunities. Outstanding support in implementing reforms Green Mosques MOROCCO The Green Mosques project is supporting Morocco’s efforts to create jobs in the areas of energy efficiency and re- newable energy. The country’s mosques are initially being upgraded to use photovoltaic, solar thermal and LED lighting technology. At the same time, GIZ is working with the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs to raise awareness among the population of the efficient use of energy. The project is part of a special initiative launched by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co- operation and Development to stabilise and promote development in North Africa and the Middle East. More jobs ITALY A project in the Veneto region is set to help reduce high youth unemployment. As part of the vocational education reform initiated in 2012, Italy plans to introduce elements of the German dual system. The project is promoted by the European Union as part of the Erasmus+ programme. Fur- ther partners include the Veneto education authority, the Veneto Lavoro employment agency and the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. The German Federal Ministry of Labour and So- cial Affairs recommended GIZ as a partner to the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. PRIZE FROM BELGRADE From comprehensive vocational training reforms and advice on the promotion of exports and tourism to the strengthening of small and medium- sized enterprises – GIZ, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co- operation and Development and other donors, has achieved a great deal in Serbia. In recognition of this, it has now received a Belgrade Winner award. The award was presented by the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce. It recognises GIZ’s exceptional commitment to building a sustainable economy and forward-looking train- ing system. ‘This accolade gives us impetus and motivation to continue our work,’ said country director Siegmund Müller, who accepted the award. GIZ has been working in Serbia since 2000, during which time the country’s economic performance has improved significantly. On behalf of various donors, GIZ also sup- ports Serbia’s efforts to build democratic structures and achieve the approximation of European Union laws. Serbia has been a candidate for EU accession since 2012. www.giz.de/serbia akzente 4/159