EDITORIAL 3akzente 4/15 DEAR READER, Muhammad fled Mecca, Friedrich Schiller escaped from Württemberg and Heinrich Heine sought refuge in Paris. These examples show that migration and dis- placement are as old as humanity itself. And yet this means much more than simply escap- ing danger. These words are wrapped up with notions of motivation and drive, and the idea of starting a new life. Because the arrival of refugees almost inevitably leads to change. There are many examples from our past: con- sider the progress of the United States of America since the 18th century or Germany after the Second World War. In the long term, the arrival of different people stimulat- ed development. This is worth remembering, though of course we shouldn’t play down the immense challenges presented by the current refugee drama. OUR AUTHOR Jochen Stahnke from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung examines what lies behind the most recent refugee cri- sis and shows that the line between good and bad, between victims and people smugglers, is not always clear cut. In this issue’s inter- view, Federal Minister Gerd Müller explains what strategies the German Government is pursuing and how it is tackling the root caus- es of displacement. And prize-winning au- thor Saša Stanišić briefly reflects on his own poignant experiences of fleeing Bosnia. A new start Dorothee Hutter, Director of Corporate Communications dorothee.hutter@giz.de OUR REPORTS take you around the world: to Tajikistan, where starting a business calls for innovative ideas and a fair amount of cour- age. To Egypt, where job centres are being used to counter unemployment. And to Bra- zil, where controlled fires in the Cerrado sa- vannah are helping to prevent even worse bushfires. OUR APP for tablets provides lots of addition- al interesting information, such as a picture gallery of famous refugees, a video to accom- pany the report from Tajikistan and a podcast about young Egyptians looking for the right job. Whether reading, clicking through or watching the videos, I hope you enjoy discov- ering everything this issue has to offer. JUST ONE FINAL note from me: next issue you will see a new face on this page. After al- most 10 years at the head of Corporate Com- munications, I will be taking a sabbatical next year and handing over the reins to my successor, Sabine Tonscheidt. Best regards, Why people flee their homes and how GIZ is creating new prospects for them. PHotos:Barbaravanrijn(PAGE2),GIZ/KARSTENTHORMAEHLEN(PAGE3)