akzente 4/15 5 INTRODUCING 46 Elisabeth Fischer From her office in Bangkok, the agricultural expert advises the ASEAN member states. ‘It’s an exciting region,’ she says. ‘The markets are undergoing huge change.’ Authors and photographers JOCHEN STAHNKE (1) is a political editor at the Frankfurter Allge- meine Zeitung. In his essay he explores the refugee situation, includ- ing experiences in Niger. Many refugees pass through the country on their way to Europe. Based in Cairo, JÜRGEN STRYJAK (2) reports on six Arab countries for broadcaster ARD. He and photographer AXEL KRAUSE (3) met young Egyptians who now have new prospects thanks to an employment pact. HELEN SIBUM (4) and photographer FREYA MORALES (5) met entrepreneurs in Tajikistan. AMIT DAVE (6) captured India’s love of yoga in a fascinating photo. CARL D. GOERDELER (7) knows all about the beauty of the Cerrado. He has been living in Brazil for years and writes for various German-language newspapers. Together with photographer WERNER RUDHART (8), he discovered how settlers, environmentalists, politicians and researchers have teamed up to ensure the survival of the savannah – using unusual methods. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH offers sustainable and effective solutions for political, economic and social change processes. GIZ is a federal enterprise that employs more than 16,000 staff members and operates in over 130 countries worldwide. www.giz.de/en company profile 1 COMMITMENT 32 New workplace, new self-confidence Many young Egyptians are unemployed – at the same time, many companies struggle to find suitable applicants. An employment pact is helping them both. 36 Fighting fire with fire Bushfires are threatening the Cerrado in Brazil. An innovative approach is helping to conserve biodiversity. 40 The right to freedom Paralegals support thousands of citizens who have been imprisoned without charge or trial in Bangladesh. 2 3 4 5 6 7 PHotoS:AXELKRAUSE(topleft),NICKNOSTITZ/AGENTURFOCUS(below) 8 akzente 4/155 234 567