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COMMITMENT 35akzente 4/15 > CONTACT Khaled Karara > how they will find a job. These are exactly the type of people the German-Egyptian Em- ployment Pact hopes to reach. It distributes information flyers, organises fairs and en- courages jobseekers to visit one of its employ- ment centres – just as Mahmoud Sobhy did. He was particularly impressed with the pre- paratory training: ‘They treated us with re- spect. Even before the first day was over, I was already looking forward to day two.’ After that things moved fast. The em- ployment centre organised an interview for him with Samaya, he was appointed to the post and since then has been checking prod- ucts at the end of an assembly line. He enjoys being part of a properly functioning system. ‘I feel I’m doing something important, be- cause I’m making devices for well-known car brands.’ Mahmoud Sobhy now enjoys social se- curity and 21 days of paid holiday per year. He gets free food in the canteen, pays noth- ing to use the company bus, and also receives overtime pay. There is no health insurance, but if employees fall sick they are treated by contract doctors in contract clinics at the company’s expense. The only problem for Sobhy is the long journey to work. It takes him two hours to travel the 30 kilometres from Warraq to the factory gates in Nasr City – before he can board the company bus, he first has to make his way to the main rail- way station. So Sobhy is considering looking for a new job. And a chance, perhaps, to earn more money. Samaya pays employees a monthly salary equivalent to around 120 eu- ros, a competitive market wage. ‘Of course I would take a better job if I found one.’ He’s not yet sure when he will start his search. But he is certain of one thing: he will definitely be going back to one of the employment centres run by NEP. CAPITAL: Cairo POPULATION: 83.3 million1 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT: USD 286.5 billion2 ECONOMIC GROWTH: 2.2 per cent3 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX RANKING: 110 (out of 187) Source: 1 2 3 World Bank 2014 Promoting decent, secure jobs ProjeCt: Participation through employment – facilitating access to the labour market Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development National PartneRS: National Employment Pact, Umbrella Association for Economic Development TERM: 2014 TO 2017 Unemployment in Egypt is high, particularly among young people. At the same time, many companies struggle to find suitable employees. GIZ supports the National Employment Pact (NEP) in developing better preparatory and job place- ment services. It also advises the Umbrella Association for Economic Develop- ment on improving the quality of jobs in the manufacturing sector. GIZ has been supporting the project since 2011 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the German Federal Foreign Office. Since then, the project’s partners have found employment for more than 4,000 Egyptian men and women. And the number is rising by 130 each month. Around 500 companies currently use NEP’s services. EGYPT Egypt Sudan Saudi Arabia Libya Israel Source: 123
