Dialogue and Transparency in the Extractive Sector (PDF) Available in German and English Johanna Beate Wysluch, Lena Link, Boris Raeder Germany has been supporting the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) since it was set up in 2003. In 2014, the German Govern- ment decided to apply for recognition as EITI compliant. This publication documents the initial stages of implementing the standards on financial transparency and accountability in the extractive sector and reflects the wide-ranging debate and challenges. prime targets for assassination by the Tali- ban. Now she has set up the Malala Fund to continue her campaign for girls’ rights to attend school around the world. Davis Guggenheim previously pro- duced and directed ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, featuring Al Gore. His new film, ‘He Named Me Malala’, is a sensitive por- trait of the real Malala behind the headlines and reveals insights into her new life in Great Britain. The film also portrays the current political situation in Pakistan. Pakistani children’s rights activist and No- bel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai is the subject of a compelling new documen- tary by Davis Guggenheim. Malala hit the headlines around the world in 2012 when, at the age of just 15, she was shot several times and badly injured in a targeted attack while she was on her way to school. Malala had been campaigning for girls’ right to education; aged just 11, she had contribut- ed to a blog for the BBC, reporting on the Taliban’s brutal refusal to give young Paki- stani women the chance of an education. Malala’s commitment to this cause made her, and her father Ziauddin Yousafzai, an- other campaigner for access to education, Malala’s story hits the big screen ‘He Named Me Malala’ Director: Davis Guggenheim www.henamedmemalalamovie.com GIZ publications Employment Promotion in the Health Sector in Developing Countries Available in German Bianca Rohrbach, Julia Gering The shortage of skilled workers in the health sector has become a major challenge around the world. The growing demands on health systems, their chronic underfunding and a lack of training opportunities are the main causes. This back- ground paper sets out proposals for improving basic health care provision. These publications can be downloaded or ordered free of charge from www.giz.de/publications. 44 akzente 4/15 Photo biennale in Bamako Mali’s capital Bamako is hosting the world’s biggest pan-African photography exhibi- tion, the African Biennale of Photography, for the tenth time in 2015. Bamako En- counters (Rencontres de Bamako) has taken the title ‘Telling Time’ for this year’s event. The central exhibition in the National Mu- seum of Mali will be showcasing the work of 39 photographers and video artists from Africa and the diaspora. Other exhibitions will focus on themes such as ageing and the future, or on individual artists, including the South African William Kentridge and the Brazilian Ayrson Heráclito. Bamako Encounters runs until 31 December 2015. www.rencontres-bamako.com