Interviews Headerbild


From education for sustainable development to the climate crisis, and feminist development policy to conflict transformation: akzente addresses the many facets of international cooperation. National and international experts share their views and new perspectives.

‘We need to reform our food system’
In this akzente interview, agricultural scientist Matin Qaim talks about the global food situation and explains why the current crisis is a continuation of an unwelcome development.
‘A community garden is a microcosm of society’
Monika Egerer explores what a healthy urban climate could look like. akzente asked her about the importance of urban ecosystems in the Global North and South.
‘One billion people are affected by neglected tropical diseases.’
An interview with Dr Christina Kreuzberg on neglected tropical diseases and how GIZ is helping to advance health care. 
‘Digitalisation as an opportunity to overcome differences instead of deepening divisions’
Food security is under pressure worldwide. GIZ expert Diana Diekjürgen explains the role that digitalisation could play for food security in the future.
‘Refugees must be able to speak for themselves’
An interview with Sabah Al Hallak, a Syrian women’s and human rights activist, about her own experience and her involvement in the Action Network on Forced Displacement.
‘We’re ready to go as soon as we can work again.’
An interview with GIZ Country Director in Ethiopia Peter Palesch on working under difficult circumstances.
A magazine in transition
A magazine in transition
akzente is transitioning to become a purely online publication. GIZ Press Spokesperson Ute Schaeffer and Jörg Schindler, who was responsible for the magazine in the late 1990s, talk here about akzente as it was and is.
‘Climate is at the heart of development policy’
Svenja Schulze is new to the German Development Ministry but not to Government. Her priorities are climate, poverty, gender, health and crisis prevention. In an interview, she discusses German development policy in flux.
‘We need new energy partnerships’
Antonio Almonte, Energy Minister of the Dominican Republic, explains how this Caribbean country can put its energy mix on a sustainable footing.
Blueprint for success in phasing out coal
An interview from South Africa's coal-mining region: a new beginning that incorporates fair climate action, the expansion of renewable energy and new job prospects
“We are doing pioneer work”
Eduardo Soriano and Torsten Schwab explain the prospects of Power-to-X and why a German-Brazilian pilot project could pave the way.
‘They were a target for all the armed groups’
Social scientist Mery Rodríguez on the role of people with diverse gender identities or sexual orientations in Colombia’s peace process