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Economic development and employment

We deliver advice on economic policy issues and, with our partners, find solutions to develop the private sector and boost employment. We create local, pro-poor financial systems to give everyone the opportunity to share the benefits of economic development and economic growth.

‘Climate is at the heart of development policy’
Svenja Schulze is new to the German Development Ministry but not to Government. Her priorities are climate, poverty, gender, health and crisis prevention. In an interview, she discusses German development policy in flux.
GIZ in transition
GIZ has undergone massive changes and evolved beyond recognition since the merger of GTZ, InWEnt and DED in 2011. It has grown in size and become more diverse.
“We are doing pioneer work”
Eduardo Soriano and Torsten Schwab explain the prospects of Power-to-X and why a German-Brazilian pilot project could pave the way.
Bright change
GIZ is empowering women entrepreneurs in India. Two women describe their inspiring journey towards self-employment.
The signals are on green
Our infographic shows which developments are already sustainable, and where there is an urgent need for a rethink.
Greening the economy
Indonesia’s path towards a sustainable future, summarised by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati
‘We cannot go back to the old normal’
Environment Minister Andrea Meza Murillo talks about Costa Rica’s ambitious goals for a green recovery from the pandemic.
Green and fair
Why embracing forms of economic activity that are sustainable and socially equitable fis vital for the international community.
Drawing the right conclusions
Why and how GIZ is working to build a green economic recovery. A column by Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, Member of the Management Board at GIZ.
‘We see what women have achieved’
Ghanaian farmer Janet Adade is adopting new approaches in agriculture and is passionate about sharing her knowledge.
‘How do we reach people?’
A pilot project in Kosovo shows how behavioural science can help to improve tax compliance.
‘Our behaviour is not always rational’
World Bank expert Jonathan Karver on behavioural insights in development cooperation.