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Current Topics
‘Every woman has the right to a self-determined life’
From fair trade coffee to female empowerment: how entrepreneur Sara Nuru is supporting women in Ethiopia.
Bernd Schramm explains why ensuring equal participation for people with and without disabilities is important in international cooperation and how much progress has been made.
‘Our partnership with GIZ is vital for the people of Syria’
Three questions for Daher Zedan, Country Director of the Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations (UOSSM), about medical care in north-west Syria.
Celine Maria Becker lives and works in Indonesia as Head of the Secretariat of the German-Indonesian Digital Dialogue. Here, she reports on her everyday life.
Princess Echefu is Managing Director of a Nigerian firm that supports the renovation of plants in the energy sector using 3D laser scanners. She sees great potential for German technology in Africa. Find out more about her work to promote German–Nigerian partnerships: Driving innovation together: Start-ups in NRW and Nigeria
Huda Hassan
Ifrah Mohamoud from the Somaliland region is a successful entrepreneur: she is using her business sense and solar-powered chest refrigerators to improve her family’s lives. She now supplies fresh milk to restaurants, hotels and households in the region. She is also creating jobs for other women and boosting the local economy. The wonder of refrigeration
Lorena Santana, an entrepreneur from Chile, is a member of the Partnering in Business with Germany network and is promoting dialogue and cooperation between South America and Europe. By partnering with Alexander Schmidt, a start-up entrepreneur, she can drive progress on new urban strategies. Her aim is to use sustainable technologies to make cities more efficient and better places to live. A win-win for all
Momar Talla Cissé/GIZ
Ndella N’Diaye is working to support other women by disseminating knowledge about new land rights in her community in Senegal. She organises meetings and training sessions so that more women can gain legal certainty for their land. Read about the approach she is taking: ‘No one can chase us away from here now’