Promoting energy efficiency
How important is energy conservation in Lebanon?
We have major problems with energy supply: demand far outstrips the amount which can be supplied by state providers. This leads to many power cuts which then have to be bridged by private generators. However, these generators, like the power plants themselves, do not have a good track record when it comes to energy consumption. That’s why we need to increase energy efficiency.
What is your country doing to achieve this?
One key initiative is a regional project funded by the European Union which aims to promote energy efficiency in the construction sector. Through this, guidelines are being developed for the construction and renovation of buildings. Since 2010, Lebanon has already reduced its energy consumption by 5 per cent a year.
What is GIZ’s role in this initiative?
GIZ International Services, as a leading member of the project consortium, contributes to the development of guidelines and provides training. In all energy projects implemented jointly by Lebanon and GIZ, support is always tailored to the needs identified by the Lebanese partners.
Pierre El Khoury, acting Project Manager of the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation, which is affiliated to the Lebanese Ministry of Energy and Water