New vision of architecture

Tetyana Kashchenko helped develop a new Master’s degree course in ‘Energy-efficient construction’.

Dadaab: eigentlich ein Flüchtlingslager, inzwischen eine regelrechte Großstadt in der kenianischen Wüste

How important is the topic of energy efficiency in Ukraine?
Very important, because energy prices have been rising for years. One of the most important ways to save energy and thus costs is to insulate older houses and to build new houses according to modern standards. 

Ecology and energy efficiency

Summer 2016 will see the first graduates of the new Master’s degree. How will they differ from other graduates?
We helped them to form a new vision of architecture that combines ecology and energy efficiency in a holistic approach. 

How was the specialisation developed?
 Over the past five years we collaborated intensely with GIZ and during this time refined our goals for architectural education. In many seminars with German specialists, including engineers and architects, we exchanged experiences and information on methods and materials.