A future at home

Massaër Guèye is a blacksmith from Senegal. After two attempts to reach Europe, he sees a future in his home country.

Skizze von Massaër Guèye, der freundlich lächelt. Er hat kurze Haare und trägt ein einfaches T-Shirt, dargestellt in einer monochromen Strichzeichnung.

What was your situation before you started producing the new stoves – and how does it compare today?
My apprentice and I used to produce 20 traditional stoves a day and sell them on the market, but this wasn’t enough to feed myself and my parents. Today, I have 15 employees and am able to save a reasonable amount every month. 

Demand for your stoves is high, but they cost around 20 times more than old stoves. Why is that?
The stoves use much less charcoal and are therefore a worthwhile investment for buyers. They also last much longer. And you can use them indoors because they produce far less smoke than old-fashioned stoves. 

How has GIZ supported you?
Through training which enabled me to learn how to make the new and improved stoves. Because some components are made of ceramic, GIZ also put me in touch with a pottery cooperative which I now work with. It also provided materials in the beginning which allowed me to set up my workshop.

Massaër Guèye, a blacksmith from Touba in Senegal. Unable to earn enough in his home country, he has made two unsuccessful attempts to reach Europe. A GIZ project designed to create a market for better, more energy-efficient stoves is now enabling him to generate a good income in Senegal.

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