Promotion of basic education

Modern teaching in Guinea

Through remedial classes for pupils and trainings for teachers, the quality of teaching in Guinea has improved.


Project: Improving education
Country: Guinea
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Term: 2002 to 2012

THEN:With more than 40 per cent of its population under the age of 15, Guinea is one of the world’s youngest nations. Despite the huge need for basic education, only four out of every five children and young people in the country were attending school. Girls and children in rural areas were rarely being educated, and the teaching they did receive was of a poor standard, as teachers lacked training. The 2008 military coup substantially worsened conditions.
NOW: In Labé, one of the two regions participating in the project, almost two out of every three girls progressed to secondary education in 2012, compared with just one in three across Guinea as a whole. More than 10,000 students attend weekly remedial classes, and 90 per cent of school headteachers – around 6,500 individuals – have been trained in modern teaching and administration methods. Around 95 per cent of primary teachers also receive regular in-service training. Better sex education has also reduced the number of unwanted pregnancies among female students at the participating schools in Labé from 58 in 2005 to just three in 2011.


published in akzente 2/16

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