
How our work is delivering results

akzente presents the results achieved through the multi-donor actions of the EU and the German Government in 2019.

GIZ works with commissioning parties and partners around the globe to promote sustainable development. Since 2014, the company has been regularly collecting results data in order to show the general public, partners and commissioning parties what its work achieves across projects and national borders.

Employment: almost 333,000 people have increased their incomes.

More and better jobs are needed in developing countries so that people can permanently raise their standard of living. GIZ supports them on behalf of the German Government, with cofinancing from the EU, in providing new employment opportunities. It advises and assists the private sector to create jobs and therefore boost demand for labour. High-quality (vocational and academic) education and further training geared to the labour market increase people’s chances of finding a good job. And better placement schemes, information systems and professional careers advice help to match employers with potential employees.

Biodiversity: 2.2 million people are benefiting from nature conservation.

Biodiversity safeguards people’s livelihoods. Intact ecosystems regulate the climate, provide food security and contribute to the quality of life of animals and humans. Forests are irreplaceable – they are hugely important for the climate and are home to more than two thirds of the animals and plants on Earth. GIZ works to support conservation areas and sustainable forest management in order to protect woodland from increasing deforestation. Its commitment to biodiversity also fosters better adaptation to climate change, for example in the form of flood defences.

Education and training: more than 242,000 schoolchildren are benefiting from better school education.

Education boosts self-confidence, improves job opportunities, and increases people’s chances of earning an income. GIZ is active in many different ways in this field. A good school education is an essential foundation. Vocational training enables trainees to acquire the skills they need for their professional career, which enhances their prospects for entering employment. Further training also improves people’s chances of finding a job, and this promotes economic growth. Furthermore, education encourages social cohesion and helps resolve conflicts, and this in turn strengthens democracy.

Displacement and migration: more than 310,000 forcibly displaced people have been reached.

Wars and conflicts are forcing more and more people to leave their homes. They seek refuge either within their own country or beyond its borders. Climate change, poverty and unemployment also give many people no choice but to look for a better future elsewhere. The communities hosting displaced people face huge challenges. GIZ therefore supports refugees, internally displaced persons, host communities and people who wish to return to their country of origin.

Climate: 365,000 people have received support in coping with climate change.

Climate change is visible all over the world. Heat waves and storms are becoming more frequent, while droughts threaten and destroy the livelihoods of many people. GIZ is taking action. It works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, for example through sustainable transport strategies and greater use of renewable energy. In places where climate change is already having a tangible impact, GIZ provides people with support in areas such as new cultivation methods, enhanced coastal protection and insurance cover. In addition, the company advises governments, businesses and other key actors on how to better assess climate-related risks and opportunities, and on developing adaptation strategies.