
Fighting AIDS

The German-Ukrainian Initiative has made great progress. Look back at a project and its results.


Project: German-Ukrainian Partnership Initiative for HIV/AIDS prevention
Country: Ukraine
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry of Health
Term: 2008 to 2011

THEN: Ukraine has the highest HIV rate in Europe, and the percentage of the population classed as HIV positive is one of the fastest growing in the world. In 2009, around 161,000 people were officially registered as HIV positive, and nearly 20,000 new infections were recorded. By comparison, the number of new infections in Germany in 2013 was a little over 3,000. Against this background, the German Federal Ministry of Health commissioned GIZ to oversee the German-Ukrainian Partnership Initiative for HIV/AIDS Prevention. The large-scale initiative aimed to improve access to as well as the availability and quality of services offered in Ukraine to those affected by HIV/AIDS. The services it provided included prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care as well as mitigating the effects of the disease.
NOW: The German-Ukrainian Initiative has made great progress in many areas. One of these areas is prevention in schools, which those involved in the project supported by offering a teacher training course. There have also been improvements in clinical treatment as well as in prevention and in screening for risk groups. Modelled on the German campaign ‘Gib Aids keine Chance’ (Don’t give AIDS a chance), run by the German Federal Centre for Health Education, 1,075 posters were placed alongside busy roads in Ukraine and 1,480 illuminated adverts were installed in Ukraine’s cities. Awareness-raising campaigns were held at concerts, through which the project reached around 10,000 young Ukrainians; television coverage of the topic reached approximately ten million viewers.


published in akzente 1/15

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