Ahmed Fathelbab & Siddharth Sharma
German-Egyptian business cooperation in the construction industry: Siddharth Sharma from German mechanical engineering company Loesche and Ahmed Fathelbab, managing director of Egyptian engineering company El-Fateh, which specialises in steel structures, are promoting a sustainable construction industry in Africa.

‘We now have a reliable partner for orders in Africa.’
Mr Sharma, Mr Fathelbab, how did your partnership begin?
Ahmed Fathelbab: I was in Germany in 2018, taking part in the Manager Training Programme, as it was known back then. Our company was developing its export strategy and the programme introduced me to German companies that were a good fit for us – one of them was Loesche.
Siddharth Sharma: After meeting for the first time, our companies started working together. Ahmed Fathelbab and I worked on a project together a little later. Initially, we were in contact via email and phone. In 2022, I visited Ahmed Fathelbab and his company in Egypt and had the opportunity to see the production facilities first-hand.
What role did Partnering in Business with Germany play in how the cooperation came about?
Ahmed Fathelbab: The programme opened many doors for us. We have now implemented five projects with German companies, in Germany and together with German companies in Africa. For Loesche GmbH, we produced steel structures for a cement plant in Rwanda and supervised their construction. We also built a cement plant in Liberia as a cooperating partner.
What has the collaboration changed?
Ahmed Fathelbab: We have continued to develop and have received important environmental and safety certification such as the CE mark from TÜV Rheinland. German audits are crucial with regard to orders from European companies. Today, exports make up almost all of our sales. This has allowed us to create 80 new jobs.
Siddharth Sharma: We now have a reliable partner for orders in Africa. Ahmed Fathelbab is meticulous, has a strong technical background and knows the business. His company meets EU standards and has the necessary certifications.
Where do things go from here?
Siddharth Sharma: We do not have an order with El-Fateh at present, but the company is still important for us as a suitable supplier in the future. Because Africa is a really big market right now. We can well imagine working with Ahmed Fathelbab and his company again on new orders in Africa.
Ahmed Fathelbab: The success of our export business has allowed us to develop new business sectors and innovative ideas. Sustainability is a priority for me, and I have set up a plant in Luxor to produce alternative fuels for cement works – the aim is to replace coal-fired plants. With a biogas plant, we supplied 50,000 tonnes of fuel produced from waste to local cement works, who use it for their operations.