IN BRIEF akzente 3/156 IN FIGURES young people in de- veloping countries and emerging economies received support from GIZ in 2014 in their efforts to gain a vocational qualification. Good education and training are key factors in the battle against youth unemployment. years ago, the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diver- sity of Cultural Expressions entered into force and will therefore celebrate its 10th anniver- sary in October 2015. Some 137 states are now party to the Convention, which is a le- gally binding international agreement which ensures that all states have the right to an independent cultural policy. The Convention was ratified by Germany in 2007. per cent of soil worldwide is mod- erately to severely damaged as a result of, among other things, erosion, pollution, sa- linisation and the loss of nutrients. Because soil is not a renewable resource, any dete- rioration in its condition poses a risk to food and nutrition security and the sustainable future of the world’s population. PHOTO:Grabowsky/Koehler/ Expert dialogue SUSTAINABLE ACTION 700 participants from 70 countries took part in the first Bonn Conference for Global Transforma- tion, where experts on sustainability such as Jeffrey Sachs, Special Advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General on the Millennium Development Goals, dis- cussed approaches and ideas. ‘In times of climate disaster, famine and war, taking sustainable action is the only viable op- tion. There is an urgent need for interna- tional dialogue,’ said Sachs. Claudia Roth, Vice-President of the German Bundestag, highlighted the key role that Germany has to play in this pro- cess: ‘So many countries look to us to see whether and how sustainability can be achieved, and not only in the energy and business sectors.’ The Bonn Conference is a series of conferences organised by the German fed- eral state of North Rhine-Westphalia and GIZ in conjunction with their partners, the United Nations University, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Net- work and Deutsche Welle. The confer- ence, which is held every two years, ex- plores topics relating to the United Na- tions’ post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals. Bonn Conference: panels of international experts, issues of international relevance RAPID RESPONSE Civil crisis prevention and crisis management are two corner- stones of German activity at the United Nations. The German Government also wants to contribute to better international crisis management in the area of health and has therefore launched an initiative which builds on lessons learned from fighting the Ebola epidemic in western Africa. Federal Development Minister Gerd Müller plans Crises: every day counts to create a permanent contingent of doc- tors and medical staff that can be deployed in crisis areas within just a few days. To this end, there are plans to assem- ble a crisis response team within GIZ which will work closely with scientific in- stitutions and non-governmental organisa- tions. The purpose of this team is to ensure and support rapid deployment in the event of future health crises. people benefited from health insurance for the first time between 2011 and 2013 thanks to support from GIZ. In many countries, people do not have adequate or affordable access to medical services. The sick often have to pay for treatment directly themselves. Without health insurance, whole families can get into debt. 10 100,000 100,000,000 33