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akzente 3/1526 Many steps have been taken in the right direction to combat climate change, but obstacles sometimes arise. ‘Der Klimawandel: Dia- gnose, Prognose, Therapie’ by Stefan Rahmstorf and Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber is a seminal work in the field of climate change and is now in its 7th edition. Pub- lished by C.H. Beck (only available in German). GREEN CLIMATE FUND The global transition to a low-carbon energy system requires high levels of investment. The international community has therefore set up a Green Climate Fund as its main climate financing mechanism. The Fund – currently being established, with headquarters in South Korea – will assist poorer countries to adapt to the new conditions and restructure their economies. The international community has pledged USD 100 billion annually for climate action from 2020, much of which will be channelled through the Fund. Its current value, however, is just USD 10 billion, so more commitment is needed. agreement, to enter into force in 2020. It will be based on national climate action plans and voluntary commitments by all signatory states to limit global an- nual carbon emissions to a maximum of 32 to 44 billion tonnes in future. The IPCC wants a 70 per cent reduc- tion by 2050 compared with current levels, meaning that by the second half of this century, energy genera- tion will have to be entirely fossil-free. If that happens, the climate policy balance sheet will actually be in credit, at least in theory, and the 2° C target will be within reach. In practice, the planet is still heating up. The leg- acy we are likely to leave for our great-grandchildren is an atmosphere around 4° C warmer than it is today – with catastrophic planetary impacts. That’s why the Paris conference needs to deliver a clear message: it’s time for change.
