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44 akzente 3/15 possible, and adapt their labour-market poli- cies accordingly? What management tools and methods look promising? These are the questions that will be examined at an event on employment policy that GIZ will be hosting during the Open Days. Politicians, researchers and businesspeople will present and discuss examples from Veneto in Italy, North Rhine- Westphalia in Germany and the cross-border Saar-Lor-Lux region covering Belgium, France, Germany and Luxembourg. Since starting in 2003, the Open Days in Brussels have become one of the most impor- tant events on the calendar for European re- gional policy. In October 2015, approximately 6,000 international delegates will travel to the annual conference to discuss the challenges that different regions in Europe are facing. Youth unemployment, demographic change, a lack of skilled workers and migration are just some of the issues on the agenda. Regional labour markets also have a growing influence on the economic strength and competitiveness of the European regions. How can the different regions make their la- bour markets more attractive and encourage employment? What will enable them to rec- ognise trends and developments as early as Open Days – European Week of Regions and Cities Open Days – European Week of Regions and Cities 2015 (entrance free, please register) 12 to 15 October, Brussels GIZ Publications Full, Productive Employment and Decent Work for All (PDF) Available in German Maria Backhouse, Holger Bär, Hanka Boldemann et al. Over 200 million people are unemployed. This figure includes around 75 million young people under the age of 25. This manual examines the crucial importance of employment for individual well- being as well as for many social goals such as social cohesion and overall economic growth. These publications can be downloaded or ordered free of charge from > FORUM Solace Andrew Brown, South Africa Zebra Press, 272 pages ISBN: 978-1770223776 Relations between the Jewish and Muslim communities in Cape Town deteriorate after the desecrated corpse of a clearly Muslim child is discovered in a synagogue. Global conflicts in South Africa or spe- cial interest politics? Andrew Brown’s thriller reflects the current state of a dem- ocratic country under threat from an in- tricate web of corruption and organised crime. Precise, cool, but at the same time empathetic. Thomas Wörtche, freelance cultural journalist > Recommended reading* The Sustainable Shopping Cart Available in German Anne Gerlach, Lena Hohfeld, Sonja Scharnhorst et al. This publication from the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) provides some specific tips for sustainable consumption. is a new, mobile website that gives consumers additional help in finding their way around the different areas of consumption, including food and drink, textiles, cosmetics, mobility, living and toys.
