SDG 5: Gender Equality

By 2030, all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere should be ended. Instead, women and girls should have equal opportunities to participate in political, economic and public life.

Aida Al Khattab

Revisiting strong women in Jordan

Five years ago, akzente interviewed women elected to Jordan’s regional councils. Now we’re back in Jordan to visit them again.
Frau auf einem Boot

‘My neighbour, the Sundarbans World Heritage Site’

The world’s biggest mangrove forest is situated on the border between Bangladesh and India. We meet the people who live with and earn a livelihood from the Sundarbans UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Keki Adhikari mit dem Menstruation Bracelet

Menstruation: let’s talk!

Menstruation is still a taboo subject. GIZ is working with local influencers to change this. Girls and women around the world should be able to experience menstruation in a healthy way.
Renata Giannini

‘Promoting gender rights across continents’

The German Federal Foreign Office has introduced a new feminist foreign policy. Renata Giannini from the Unidas Women’s Network explains how it could influence German-Latin American relations.
province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the north of Pakistan

Building a sense of community

Pakistani households have been living next to Afghan refugee families in the north of Pakistan for decades, without either side mixing with the other. By providing safe spaces to meet, for women in particular, GIZ is bringing both sets of neighbours together.
James Macbeth Forbes

‘For girls and women, not against men’

James Macbeth Forbes, GIZ Country Director in Uganda, explains why feminist development policy is important for everyone.
Sanitation for Million

‘Safe menstrual hygiene is linked to educational opportunities’

Cleophas Mugenyi and Angella Nansubuga from Uganda’s Ministry of Education and Sports talk about hygiene education, stigmas and the role played by the Sanitation for Millions programme.
A school in northern Ugand

Talking about the most natural thing in the world

A school in northern Uganda demonstrates how to break taboos and address the subject of menstruation.
Bolivianische Frau steht vor Bergpanorama
Moving forward
GIZ is supporting Bolivia in achieving lasting improvements to its water security. A visit to the Río Azero valley.
Mother Courage
People with diverse gender identities and sexual orientations from Colombia describe their difficult journey towards peace.
‘We see what women have achieved’
Ghanaian farmer Janet Adade is adopting new approaches in agriculture and is passionate about sharing her knowledge.
Abschnitt der algerischen Küstenlandschaft, mit einer hervorstehenden Klippe, die sich steil über das blaue Mittelmeer erhebt. Die Klippe ist dicht bewachsen und im Hintergrund ist der Umriss weiterer Landmassen im Nebel sichtbar.
Custodians of natural treasures
Algeria is rich in biological diversity. The coastal regions in the north are home to many rare delights.

Find out more about the 17 Goals