SDG 5: Gender Equality

By 2030, all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere should be ended. Instead, women and girls should have equal opportunities to participate in political, economic and public life.

Rashi Gupta Julian Rentzsch

‘We need more feminine energy’

Drei Fragen an Rashi Gupta, Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von Vision Mechatronics, einem führenden Unternehmen in den Bereichen Robotik, erneuerbare Energien und Energiespeicherung in Indien
Reem Al-Smeirat Rajiv Raman

Money for creative growth

For women in Jordan to start their own businesses, they need financial knowledge – and access to money and digital tools. We visited two women entrepreneurs who set out on this path.
Zwei Frauen stehen an einer Tiefkühltrauhe, eine hält einen Milchbehälter in der Hand Huda Hassan

The wonder of refrigeration

The amazing story of a successful dairywoman, helpful cooling and an enthusiastic community. Out and about in the Somaliland region.
Zwei Frauen laufen am Strand Pierre-Ives Babelon/

Voices of and for women

Women journalists in Iraq speak candidly about what life is like for women in the country.
Interamerikanischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte

A driving force behind ‘green’ case law

We visit the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Human Rights Institute in San José, where human rights, nature and the environment are viewed in a new light.
Überblick über Lüderitz

All eyes on Lüderitz

Green hydrogen is set to bring prosperity to Namibia and propel the world towards a climate-neutral economy. We travel to the country’s south-west, where plans are under way for one of the world’s largest hydrogen plants.
Frau mit religiöser Kopfbedeckung steht im Maisfeld

Where maize and sorghum grass grow

Conditions in the Horn of Africa are harsh. We visited the Somaliland region to see how people in this disaster-struck area can be best supported.
Ein Mann arbeitet mit einem Winkelschleifer

Fire and water

Water management in one of the world’s driest countries has many facets. Ammar Ali Zaid from Jordan works until the sparks fly to prevent precious water from seeping into the desert ground.
Senegal Teaser

‘No one can chase us away from here now’

A new law is making all the difference to a small farmer in Senegal. It facilitates access to land. GIZ is supporting people, especially women, in sharing knowledge about their new rights. This helps to reduce poverty and promote employment.
Illustration einer Frau mit farbigen Schleifen

Feminist development policy: clear goals and a clear stance

BMZ adopted its feminist development policy strategy a few months ago. Annette Mummert explains why this is important and what it means for GIZ’s work.
Illustration mit Megafon für feministische Entwicklungspolitik

What is feminist development policy?

What does German feminist development policy mean? akzente asked international activists to share their thoughts with us.
Einer Ranger späht durch das Fernglas

Custodians of the Sundarbans

In the world’s biggest mangrove forest, Bangladesh Forest Department rangers are focusing on preserving biodiversity. Digital tools are helping them to protect this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Germany is supporting the country in this work.

Find out more about the 17 Goals