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Rural development

Agricultural and rural development policy are the focus of the advisory services we deliver to our partners. Farmers and associations are involved in decision-making. This is the only way to ensure that poor people in rural areas obtain access to land, water, loans and training.

Solution in a nutshell
Cultivation of cashew nuts has improved lives of farmers in Ghana. For a long time their potential remained unexploited.
Milk for Morocco
GIZ in co-creation with Centrale Danone is helping farmers to improve the quality of their milk and to boost their income.
Malawi goes for diversity
For years the country’s farmers clung to tobacco cultivation. Now they are switching to sunflowers, peanuts and manioc.
Die Hände eines Menschen schneiden eine gelbe Kakaofrucht von einem Baum ab. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Abschneiden des Kakaofrucht. Der verschwommene Hintergrund zeigt Waldboden.
Better cocoa, better lives
With certification and training, farmers in Côte d’Ivoire can increase their income and cultivate their land more sustainably.
The forest is returning
GIZ is helping coastal inhabitants in Viet Nam to arm themselves against increasingly extreme weather.
Rich harvest in Ethiopia
Farmers share their experience with new methods. Berhanu Hiluf and Aberehech Tesfay are two of them.
The new farmers of Bangalore
Soils can be replenished, yields can be increased without the use of chemicals. Indian farmers show how it’s done.
Sharing knowledge in Thailand
Brought together by a volunteer programme, financial experts from Deutsche Bank are supporting rice farmers.
Ein Bündel von getrockneten Vanilleschoten, gebunden mit einem Stück Naturfaser, liegt auf einem Holzbrett umgeben von frischen grünen Blättern. Die Schoten sind dunkelbraun mit erkennbaren Samenkörnern an den Enden. Der Hintergrund ist unscharf und der Fokus liegt auf der Vanilleschote.
Finest vanilla for a better life
In collaboration with GIZ, Symrise AG supports Madagascan farmers in exchange for top-quality vanilla.
Power to the people
A hydropower plant supplies electricity to a Nicaraguan village for the first time. It has changed the place for good.