Human security

Human security [ˈ(h)juːmən sɪˈkjʊərəti], in contrast to traditional security concepts, focuses on the protection of individuals and of their human dignity – and not on that of the state. It covers much more than the absence of violent conflicts. Human security includes human rights, responsible governance, access to education and health care, and a guarantee that all individuals have the freedom and opportunity to fulfil their potential.

  • United for peace
    In a fragile country like Mali, greater stability is only possible if foreign, development, security and environmental policies are integrated with one another in the long term.
  • A question of trust
    Germany supports police forces in the Palestinian territories to deliver a professional, community-oriented service.
  • ‘It’s not just wrong, it’s stupid’
    Interview with Chantal de Jonge Oudraat, President of the network Women In International Security
  • The biggest risks of all
    In today’s world, war and weapons are no longer seen as the biggest dangers.
  • Two steps forward, one step back
    Essay by US security expert Mathew Burrows about Human security.
  • ‘No reason for doom-mongering’
    A guest column by State Secretary Martin Jäger