IN BRIEF akzente 2/156 IN FIGURES companies were founded between 2012 and 2013 with support from GIZ. Another 60,000 or so have seen a marked improvement in their competitive position since receiving advisory services. For in- stance, they have improved the quality of their products or now use cutting-edge manufacturing technologies. Efficient insti- tutions and well-functioning markets are also important prerequisites for encouraging investment from entrepreneurs. million people now benefit from the fact that GIZ, on behalf of the German Govern- ment, has supported more than 450 water and sanitation compa- nies worldwide. In doing so, GIZ is committed to ensuring a reliable supply of safe drinking water, the controlled disposal of wastewater and fair charges for consumers. Regular communication with water boards, tech nology companies and universities is also key to successful water management. is the Europe- an Year for De- v e l o p m e n t . Through de- bates, exhibi- tions and various events, the EU aims to in- spire Europeans to get involved in develop- ment. International cooperation organisa- tions will also be presenting their work. There is a great deal of interest in the topic: according to a Eurobarometer survey, most Europeans – 85% of those surveyed – think that we should be providing more develop- ment assistance. They consider health, peace and security to be the most important chal- lenges we currently face. PHOTO:HILDENBRAND/MSC Safeguarding peace PROSPECTS FOR AFRICA Key figures from the international community came to- gether during the 51st Munich Security Conference to discuss African approaches to safeguarding peace. At a GIZ event, en- titled African and Global Perspectives on Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding, former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and former United Nations Secretary- General Kofi Annan examined the chal- lenges facing international peace missions in Africa. The discussion was opened by Vice- Chair of the GIZ Management Board Christoph Beier, who highlighted the im- pressive security architecture of the African Union and other regional organisations. Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan talked about the progress which has already been made: ‘Today, in many countries, elec- tions are simply a matter of course, and this has done much to reinforce the legitimacy of governments. But solutions to the social challenges facing us are also indispensable for stability in Africa.’ The Munich Security Conference is an annual forum attended by those work- ing in the field of international security. It aims to promote peaceful conflict resolution and international cooperation in addressing current and future security issues. Kofi Annan at the 2015 Munich Security Conference FIGHTING EBOLA The Ebola epidemic in western Africa, which has claimed so many lives, is not yet over. On behalf of the Ger- man Federal Ministry for Economic Coop- eration and Development, GIZ is therefore supporting efforts to stop the spread of the disease. For example, together with the non- governmental organisation Cap Anamur, it has built an isolation unit at a paediatric hos- pital in Sierra Leone’s capital city, Freetown. Around 20 children can receive medical care Stopping the epidemic there during the three-week quarantine pe- riod. GIZ has also provided protective cloth- ing for the hospital staff. In Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, it is supporting the efforts of non-governmen- tal organisations to raise awareness among the population. In neighbouring Mali, it has helped to set up a mobile laboratory for di- agnosing Ebola and has trained laboratory staff on behalf of the German Federal For- eign Office.