Australia Democratic Republic of the Congo NIGER Norway Switzerland Central African Republic Making great strides forward Honduras and Afghanistan have made major pro- gress on the transparency of their public finances (Open Budget Index, scale from 0 to 100). They are now publishing more information more regularly in reports and on the internet. Corruption is not a minor offence. It has a serious impact on a country’s political stability and economic development. Countries with flourishing economies generally attach great importance to transparency. What’s more, living standards in open societies are often higher than in isolated countries where nepotism is rife. So there seems to be a correlation between the level of develop- ment and the level of corruption. And the reverse also applies: development needs transparency. TRANSPARENCY PAYS OFF 2010 2012 5312 11 598 21 2008 HONDURAS AFGHANISTAN Less prone to bribery Which sectors are least prone to bribery in international business transactions? This was assessed by the OECD, which analysed several hundred cases. The extractive sector is worst affected, scoring 21 per cent. Openness pays off, as the size and transparency of the money bags show. They reflect the country’s ranking in the Human Development Index and the level of corruption control, as determined by the World Bank. 2% Water supply 4% Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2% Education 5% INFORMATION, communication 20102012 531211 59821