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akzente 1/15 9 TAJIKISTAN WIKI TAJIKISTAN During the Tajik civil war and its aftermath, heavy poaching decimated the populations of many wild animal species. A project for the conservation and sustainable use of wild animals in Tajikistan has now been awarded a prestigious international award, the CIC Markhor Award 2014. The project, which GIZ is implementing on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, has been integrated into the local municipalities and has achieved success on several levels: the income of local citizens has risen, while in five municipalities, the populations of some important wild animals such as the Marco Polo sheep, ibex and markhor have increased. Another of the project’s priorities is to strengthen the legal basis in this area. For example, new hunting laws have been adopted that form the framework for future nature conservation initiatives. The CIC Markhor Award was presented to the project at the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Pyeongchang. The award is conferred every two years and recognises conservation projects of multinational relevance that seek to conserve both biodiversity and human livelihoods by applying principles of sustainability. Official language Tajik / Capital city Dushanbe / Form of government Presidential Republic with a two- chamber parliament / Head of State President Emomali Rahmon / Head of Government Prime Minister Qohir Rasulzoda / Size 142,000 km² / Popula- tion 8.2 Million [1] / Population density 56 citizens per km² [2] / Gross domestic product USD 8.5 billion [3] / Currency Somoni (TJS) Sources: [1] [3] World Bank 2013; [2] UN Data 2012 New projects Greater security BURUNDI Twelve years after the end of the civil war, the security situation in Burundi continues to be unstable. The army and po- lice force are disproportionately large, while governmental institutions have been weakened. GIZ is therefore working on be- half of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to support the country in reforming its se- curity sector. This does not just involve the army and the police, but also core institu- tions for good governance such as the par- liament and civil society. Among other things, GIZ provides programme, finance, procurement and IT management services as well as technical advice. Sustainable for man and beast Better energy policies NIGERIA The European Union has contrib- uted EUR 15.5 million in financing to a programme supporting the Nigerian energy sector. GIZ is implementing the programme on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Develop- ment. Despite the country’s large oil re- serves, its capacity for hydropower and its great potential for renewable energy, Nige- ria is unable to meet the increasing de- mand for electricity. The programme’s ob- jective is therefore to improve the condi- tions for investing in and using renewable energy, energy efficiency and rural electri- fication. High  level  of  transparency GERMANY The international Extractive In- dustries Transparency Initiative aims to make revenues from natural resources transparent. Germany is seeking member- ship in the initiative. To facilitate the coun- try’s application, GIZ is managing the Secre- tariat for implementing the initiative on be- half of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. The Secretar- iat coordinates the different roles played by Germany’s private sector, civil society and the German government, and is preparing Germany’s candidacy. The German govern- ment would like to apply for candidate sta- tus in June. akzente 1/159
