akzente 1/15 5 INTRODUCING 46 Stephan Lidsba As a refugee expert, he fosters peace in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region. AUTHORS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS UTA RASCHE (1) is an editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntags zeitung. Her ‘In focus’ article examines the topic of youth. Max Herman (2) is a photographer living in the US. Together with journalist CHRIS- TINE MATTAUCH (3) from the Weltreporter network, he visited German social worker Ingrid Bethge during her exchange trip. CHRISTINE MÖLL- HOFF (4) talked to farmers in India about the advantages of organic farming. TIMOT SZENT-IVANYI (5) normally reports from Berlin. For this issue, he travelled to Madagascar to see how the goals of German companies and the interests of local vanilla farmers complement each other. SOE ZEYA TUN (6) lives and works in his home country, Myanmar. He photographed women producing a newspaper in Rangoon. Joachim Wille (7) is an energy expert and visited climate change mitigation projects in Mexico. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH offers sustainable and effective solutions for political, economic and social change processes. GIZ is a federal enterprise that employs more than 16,000 staff members and operates in over 130 countries worldwide. www.giz.de/en COMPANY PROFILE 1 COMMITMENT 32 Finest vanilla for a better life In collaboration with GIZ, Symrise AG supports farmers in Madagascar in exchange for top-quality vanilla. 36 Saving electricity, boosting profits Replacing old refrigeration units in Mexico is helping companies and the environment. Business owners are saving real money. 40 The new farmers of Bangalore Soils can be replenished and yields increased without chemicals. Organic farmers in India show how it’s done. 2 3 4 5 6 7 PHotoS:GETTYIMAGES/CarstenGoerling(PAGE4),GUYSTUBBS(PAGE5) akzente 1/155 234 567