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South America

Peacebuilding in Colombia, green electricity from Chile, innovative digital projects in Peru: the range of issues we cover in South America is as broad and diverse as the countries that make up the region. akzente also presents interesting individuals who want to drive South America forward.

"It really paid off"
Verónica Nuñez the 24-year-old product designer from Peru completed a German-style course of dual training.
Pioneers from the jungle
A project in Ecuador proves that excellent coffee can be produced in harmony with nature.
Disappeared, but not forgotten
In Colombia, more than 80,000 people are believed to be missing. Families want certainty about the fate of their loved ones.
Embracing Peace
Colombia is beginning to come to terms with its violent past. Young people are seeking pathways to a better future. Germany is supporting the peace process.
Improving knowledge
Many young people in Central America are unemployed. At the same time, companies can’t find the skilled workers they need. An initiative brings the two sides together. Four views on a success story from Costa Rica.
Revolution in the desert
How Chile is producing low-cost green electricity and is leading the way in mitigating climate change.
My friend, the tree
How livestock ranchers in Colombia are protecting the rain forest and improving their incomes at the same time.
Fighting violence against women
An app and awareness campaigns: How GIZ is preventing violence against women in South America.
Luftaufnahme eines großen Solarparks mit zahlreichen Photovoltaik-Paneelen, umgeben von grüner Landschaft und Bergen im Hintergrund, die mit leichtem Nebel bedeckt sind.
A paradise for renewables
Chile is powering ahead with transforming its energy system. The country has become a model for its neighbours.
Tree sap brings prosperity
The state and local population are co-managers of a conservation area in the Peruvian Amazon.
Making a fresh start
After more than 50 years of civil war, Colombia has more internally displaced persons than any other country.
Das Foto zeigt eine Nahaufnahme einer Hand, die ein Smartphone hält, auf dessen Bildschirm eine Anwendung mit mehreren Icons und Text in blauen Farbtönen geöffnet ist. Man kann das obere Ende einer gelben Linie auf dem Boden erkennen, was darauf hindeutet, dass die Person auf dem Boden sitzt oder steht.
An app to improve safety
Violence against women is a major problem in Latin America. Companies are providing support in order to achieve change.