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Social development

Education is a powerful driver of sustainable development. We foster formal and non-formal education approaches in pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary education. We work with our partners to develop concepts for the economic and social integration of young people so that they can harness their potential and build themselves a future.

Some progress, more work ahead
In the past two decades, the world has made major progress in many areas.
Das Foto zeigt eine Nahaufnahme einer Hand, die ein Smartphone hält, auf dessen Bildschirm eine Anwendung mit mehreren Icons und Text in blauen Farbtönen geöffnet ist. Man kann das obere Ende einer gelben Linie auf dem Boden erkennen, was darauf hindeutet, dass die Person auf dem Boden sitzt oder steht.
An app to improve safety
Violence against women is a major problem in Latin America. Companies are providing support in order to achieve change.
Getting better
People are living longer, including in the developing countries – even though health systems are still far from robust.
Modern teaching in Guinea
Through remedial classes for pupils and trainings for teachers, the quality of teaching in Guinea has improved.
More time to live
Nowadays, people are living longer – and this trend can be observed all over the world.
‘We have to reach young people’
Latanya Mapp Frett, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Global, about the right to family planning
For prosperous nations
Health is the basis for more prosperous nations, says Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization.
Zwei Frauen stehen auf einem Dach in Kairo und bauen Gemüse und andere Pflanzen an, die auf Netzen ausgelegt sind. Eine trägt ein rosa Oberteil mit einem gemusterten Schal, die andere ist in einer schwarzen Burka gekleidet. Beide halten Papiere in den Händen.
Greening Cairo’s rooftops
Vegetable growing on tower blocks: just one example of how residents are improving their living conditions.
Work at last
In Pakistan technical and vocational education and training (TVET) increasingly includes a practical element.
Acht mongolische Männer und eine Frau (mittig) stehen vor einem modernen Gebäude mit großen Glasflächen und einer schneebedeckten Rampe in Norwegen. Sie tragen warme Winterkleidung und Mützen und lächeln in die Kamera.
Occupational health and safety
Mongolian representatives travelled to Oslo and Berlin to find out how to make jobs safer and healthier.
New horizons – new insights
In social work, a skilled workforce is the make-or-break factor. A US-German exchange programme broadens horizons.
Back on solid ground
The collapse of the Rana Plaza building changed everything. Victims explain how they set about building a new life.