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Peace and security

One of our strengths is our ability to combine swift relief with long-term prospects. This is how we build peace and security. In addressing conflicts we support the demobilisation and reintegration of former combatants, and deliver advice on establishing and reforming effective, democratically legitimated institutions with a system of checks and balances.

Protecting migrants
Germany and the EU are providing protection for children and adults by improving migration management in the Horn of Africa.
For Peace
Germany is offering support to the people of Mali as they move towards reconciliation and stability.
Starting a new life back home
When Kosovars return, a centre provides support with reintegration. And GIZ is promoting hiking tourism in the country.
Reconciliation through trade
GIZ is helping to ensure that entrepreneurs from two ethnic groups in Sri Lanka now do business together.
The Bosnian ‘Düren’
Some 20 years ago a settlement was founded for refugees returning home. What has happened to these people since then?
Making a fresh start
After more than 50 years of civil war, Colombia has more internally displaced persons than any other country.
Eine Gruppe von Kindern und einer erwachsenen Frau sitzen auf einer Matratze in einem Flüchtlingslager. Links neben ihnen steht ein einfacher Wasserspender auf einem Hocker.
A new life
Like many others, Nazrin Iljaz and her children found refuge from war and terror in northern Iraq.
The right to freedom
Paralegals support thousands of citizens who have been imprisoned without charge or trial in Bangladesh.
Ein Teenager-Junge mit blauem T-Shirt und weißer Cappy steht nachdenklich vor einem Fenster und stützt sich leicht auf seinem rechten Arm ab. Im Hintergrund sind Gebäude in einer urbanen Umgebung zu erkennen.
New jobs for young people
One in four Egyptians under the age of 24 is without a job. Now an employment pact has restored hope.
‘Tremendous challenge’
Minister Gerd Müller talks about the global refugee crisis.
Kinder und Erwachsene sitzen auf einem stark beladenen Wagen, umgeben von großen Säcken, im warmen Licht der untergehenden Sonne. Die Kinder schauen in die Kamera.
A matter of chance
The author Saša Stanišić about arriving in a new country