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From education for sustainable development to the climate crisis, and feminist development policy to conflict transformation: akzente addresses the many facets of international cooperation. National and international experts share their views and new perspectives.

‘We need more support with vaccinations’
A pilot project in Malawi is showing how refrigerated COVID-19 vaccines can be transported to remote villages. An interview on the challenges and waiting for vaccines.
‘We cannot go back to the old normal’
Environment Minister Andrea Meza Murillo talks about Costa Rica’s ambitious goals for a green recovery from the pandemic.
‘Explaining climate change research so that it makes sense’
An interview with GIZ Programme Manager Caroline Milow about the Green Central Asia initiative
‘We see what women have achieved’
Ghanaian farmer Janet Adade is adopting new approaches in agriculture and is passionate about sharing her knowledge.
‘Germany needs to lead by example’
Model Barbara Meier discusses how fashion and sustainability can go hand in hand.
‘Our behaviour is not always rational’
World Bank expert Jonathan Karver on behavioural insights in development cooperation.
“The direction of travel is clear”
Exclusive interview with Edward Calthrop, Head of the Climate Policy Unit of the European Investment Bank (EIB).
‘Children are eager to return to school’
Alice Albright about the significance of learning and why children cannot wait to get back to school.
‘Sport creates a connection between people’
Olympic champion Britta Heidemann on how sport can help to overcome barriers and give children a better future.
‘Rethinking mobility – and helping achieve the Paris climate target’
Daniel Ernesto Moser, Management Head of TUMI, explains why towns and cities are at the heart of the transition to sustainable transport.
‘Not just right but necessary’
Aurélia Nguyen is Managing Director of the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) Facility. In this interview, she explains why equal access to vaccines is essential to overcoming the pandemic.
“Our aim is to restore balance within the ecosystem.”
Progress Kashandula, General Manager of the De-bushing Advisory Service (DAS) in Namibia.