Wirtschaft und Beschäftigung Headerbild

Economic development and employment

We deliver advice on economic policy issues and, with our partners, find solutions to develop the private sector and boost employment. We create local, pro-poor financial systems to give everyone the opportunity to share the benefits of economic development and economic growth.

Mark Robinson Knut Neerland

‘Our mission is relevant and valid’

Interview with Mark Robinson, Executive Director of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), an international organisation and GIZ partner that works against corruption in a highly profitable sector
Rashi Gupta Julian Rentzsch

‘We need more feminine energy’

Drei Fragen an Rashi Gupta, Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von Vision Mechatronics, einem führenden Unternehmen in den Bereichen Robotik, erneuerbare Energien und Energiespeicherung in Indien
Dirk Messner Susanne Kambor

‘Without digitalisation we cannot achieve the climate goals’

An interview with Professor Dirk Messner, President of the German Environment Agency, on climate action and digitalisation

The goal: fair and decent work for all

Michael Holländer explains why work is a topic for GIZ, how the company promotes training and employment and what link this has to skilled workers for Germany.
Heidy Rombouts GIZ/Iris Felicia Haidau

‘Investment in our common future’

Heidy Rombouts, Director General of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid at the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, in an interview on Belgium’s EU Council Presidency
Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel Gaby Gerster

‘Our work is more important than ever’

Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, Chair of the Management Board of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, on Germany’s global responsibility and how international cooperation also achieves results in Germany
Reem Al-Smeirat Rajiv Raman

Money for creative growth

For women in Jordan to start their own businesses, they need financial knowledge – and access to money and digital tools. We visited two women entrepreneurs who set out on this path.
Partnering in Business with Germany 3st

A win-win for all

New markets, new partners, new horizons: Partnering in Business with Germany promotes business contacts between SMEs in developing countries and emerging economies and those in Germany.
Zwei Frauen stehen an einer Tiefkühltrauhe, eine hält einen Milchbehälter in der Hand Huda Hassan

The wonder of refrigeration

The amazing story of a successful dairywoman, helpful cooling and an enthusiastic community. Out and about in the Somaliland region.
Boubaker Siala

‘Our solar transporter will create new jobs’

Three questions for Boubaker Siala, founder and Managing Director of Bako Motors, Tunisia’s first manufacturer of solar vehicles
Andrea Nahles Sonja Och

‘It is essential that migration is fair!’

Interview with Andrea Nahles, Chair of the Executive Board of the German Federal Employment Agency, on skilled migration and the benefits it can have on all sides.
Überblick über Lüderitz

All eyes on Lüderitz

Green hydrogen is set to bring prosperity to Namibia and propel the world towards a climate-neutral economy. We travel to the country’s south-west, where plans are under way for one of the world’s largest hydrogen plants.