Background Intercultural bridgebuilders Part partner, part competitor, part opponent – China’s relationship with Germany and Europe is more important than ever. With a network of contacts, GIZ is working to strengthen mutual understanding. By THORSTEN GIEHLER In 2018, China celebrated the 40th anni- versary of its policy of liberalisation. These reforms, initiated by Deng Xiao- ping, paved the way for international insti- tutions to begin operating in the country. GIZ’s predecessor organisations were there from the very beginning. Back then, the fo- cus was on poverty reduction and rural de- velopment. But with China’s impressive de- velopment, the company’s portfolio has fundamentally changed. Today, we work as a service provider in China on behalf of seven federal ministries of the German Government that shape co- operation between Germany and China. GIZ has carved out a good position for itself beyond the development cooperation that ended in 2009. In industrial policy matters, we are working intensively on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Af- fairs and Energy and the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastruc- ture on issues such as intelligent production, automated driving, electro-mobility and product certification. One of the biggest projects is the Legal Cooperation Pro- gramme initiated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which is embedded in the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection’s German-Chinese di- alogue on the rule of law. By facilitating ex- change between judges and in cooperation with the National People’s Congress, Ger- many can highlight its values and system de- sign and illustrate other ways of operating. In times of climate change, environ- mental and climate cooperation on behalf of We are also increasingly working on behalf of Chinese commissioning parties, a process that involves no German funding. For exam- ple, GIZ is advising Chinese cities on intro- ducing dual vocational training courses. Throughout China, GIZ employs 130 staff, including 90 national personnel. Locally, we see ourselves as a binational company that operates bilingually and interculturally based on a broad network. On both the Chinese and German side, we have a wealth of relia ble contacts, not only in ministries, but also in the private sector and authorities. We see ourselves as bridgebuilders between Ger many and China and between institutions. For, despite the country’s everincreasing im portance at the international level, the scale of exchange between Germany and China and between Europe and China remains rel atively modest. Compared with transatlantic relations, mutual understanding and dia logue are still very limited. With our intergovernmental approach, we aim to generate good results for both China and Germany in the interests of both countries. China is the world’s second largest economy, largest emitter of CO2 and now also an important development actor in Af rica and along the Silk Road: part partner, part competitor, part opponent. That is why it is important to engage in dialogue with this global player. Because, regardless of whether or not we do so, China has an important role to play in global policy development, and it is sensible and necessary to work together to achieve positive results. GIZ provides this platform for Germany and China. And that, in itself, is invaluable. — H C S Z T N E R N A I L U J : N O I T A R T S U L L I THORSTEN GIEHLER GIZ Country Director in China the German Federal Ministry for the Envi ronment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety is an important pillar of our work. China is a reliable partner in shaping inter national climate policy. Together, both countries can achieve a great deal. Another important facet is the way in which we ap proach shaping trilateral development coop eration; instead of operating in China, GIZ works with China beyond national borders in this context. The SinoGerman Center for Sustainable Development was opened in May 2017. This BMZ project, with Chinese participation, initiates and coordinates joint projects – with Germany, China and Afri can partner countries. 38 akzente 1/19