Green Recovery

When humans and machines learn
A young IT expert from Uganda on the opportunities that artificial intelligence offers for agriculture

Ramping up renewables is one of the main topics on the agenda at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 27). Ghada Krayem, a solar energy technician from the Palestinian territories, is showing how women can advance the energy transition and overcome social barriers in the process.

A visitor to the Río Azero valley in southern Bolivia will be left in no doubt about the impact climate change is having on flora and fauna. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is supporting Bolivia in achieving lasting improvements to its water security.

Blueprint for success in phasing out coal
An interview from South Africa's coal-mining region: a new beginning that incorporates fair climate action, the expansion of renewable energy and new job prospects
Green and fair
Why embracing forms of economic activity that are sustainable and socially equitable fis vital for the international community.
Greening the economy
Indonesia’s path towards a sustainable future, summarised by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Frozen sunlight
A successful German-Indonesian project illustrates how renewable energy can boost the local economy in fishing villages across the archipelago.
‘We cannot go back to the old normal’
Environment Minister Andrea Meza Murillo talks about Costa Rica’s ambitious goals for a green recovery from the pandemic.
The signals are on green
Our infographic shows which developments are already sustainable, and where there is an urgent need for a rethink.
Drawing the right conclusions
Why and how GIZ is working to build a green economic recovery. A column by Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, Member of the Management Board at GIZ.

An excursion to the area surrounding the La Tigra ­Rainforest Lodge in Costa Rica illustrates how many ­people are working together in the interests of nature conservation – the private sector is also doing its bit for the green recovery.

Nature’s bounty
Why drones are joining chickens and bees in boosting biodiversity. A visit to the Núñez family farm in the Dominican Republic.
Confidence on wheels
Remote, but forward-looking: Singra shows how e-mobility can change lives – especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The direction of travel is clear”
Exclusive interview with Edward Calthrop, Head of the Climate Policy Unit of the European Investment Bank (EIB).
Exploring and protecting
A young Moroccan speleologist is preserving biodiversity in his home country and creating income opportunities. This is the story of somebody with a long-term vision – even in (and especially in) the COVID-19 crisis.

Working together globally to fight single-use plastic